
jGrowl 1.4.3 updated

jGrowl delivers an unobtrusive way of alerting or informing the user when navigating a Web page.All messages can be custom positioned, use different skins to signal various alert states, and convey simple one liners or long blocks of HTMl-styled...


Chroniton 1.1.0

Chroniton is a versatile time and date picker that can be used together with charts and data visualizations.The component can be incredibly useful whenever needing to display statistical data that's recorded using timestamps, allowing users to filter and...

ngSimpleDatePick works out of the box for any AngularJS-powered form, allowing developers to easily add it to an input field and have it work right away.Min and max date values are supported, limiting the user's date selection to only a specific time...


jQMeter 0.1.2

jQMeter was created to provide a way to easily convey the current state of an operation.The plugin shows simple meters in horizontal or vertical form, with an optional percentage shown in its container.All meters can easily be styled via CSS, and their...


CssMasonry 0.1.0

CssMasonry is a CSS-only implementation of the Masonry JavaScript library, with fewer features, but with less code to load as well.It basically works the same way as the original tool, showing a bunch of different page elements in an irregular grid...


Selectize 0.12.1 updated

Selectize can be used for creating drop-down auto-complete widgets that present input alternatives as the user types in his word.Selectize can be used to create keyword inputs, tag fields or just simple auto-complete forms just like on Facebook.Examples...


pickadate.js 3.5.6 updated

pickadate.js can be used in modern UIs for allowing users to select date values using a nice popup instead of manually typing the date values using special formatting rules.It was developed as a smaller, faster alternative to jQuery UI's date picker...


Intence 1.1.4 updated

Intence tears down scrollbars and uses shadows and other highlights to show the user's position on a scrollable container.Using a dynamic animation, Intence replaces scrollbars with highlights next to the container's margins.If an element is scrollable on...

useful.categories.js can be used to add filters to a collection of items.These items can be images, form fields, paragraphs, DIVs, SPANs, and any other HTML structure that can hold an HTML5 data attribute.The categories on which the filters work are...