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NEO 15 Apr 15
PySCeS 14 Apr 15
E-Cell System 11 May 15
seriesoftubes 20 Feb 15
Syntainia 11 May 15
edittag 20 Feb 15
CWC Simulator 11 May 15
New Bioinformatics for Linux
Orthanc 0.9.1 updated
Orthanc is a completely free, open source, simple, lightweight, yet powerful RESTful standalone DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) server that can be used in healthcare and medical research environments. It’s a command-line...
Ghemical 2.95
Ghemical is a computational chemistry software package released under the GNU GPL. It means that full source code of the package is available, and users are free to study and modify the package. Ghemical is written in C++.Ghemical project has a graphical...
SyntenyMiner r.0001-11272006
SyntenyMiner is an application to visualize and interrogate comparisons among multiple complete genome sequences. The interface provides a navigable view of matches to a reference genome sequence. Sequence matches between chromosomes of different genomes...
mpiBLAST 1.4.0-pio / 1.5.0 Beta 1
mpiBLAST is an MPI based parallel implementation of NCBI BLAST. The project consists of a pair of programs that replace formatdb and blastall with versions that execute BLAST jobs in parallel on a cluster of computers with MPI installed. There are two...
RFLP planner 1.2
RFLP planner is a tool that helps to plan a RFLP experiment: It finds restriction enzymes that cut a set of homologue DNA sequences in different ways and simulates the resulting gel- electrophoresis image. The program helps you to find the crucial...
Adun 0.8.2
Adun project is an extensible biomolecular simulation program that includes data management and analysis capabilities.Adun provides advanced algorithms and protocols for molecular simulation which can be accessed from an intuitive user interface but also...
GDIS 0.89
GDIS is a GTK based program for the display and manipulation of isolated molecules and periodic systems. This software is in development, but is nonetheless quite functional.Here are some key features of...
The Bioinformatics Benchmark System is an attempt to build a reasonable testing framework, tests, and data, to enable end users and vendors to probe the performance of their systems.What we are trying to do is to create a framework for testing, and a core...
pyNetConv 0.12
pyNetConv is a Python library created to help the conversion of some network file formats.Since version 0.6, pyNetConv is capable to read/write (and convert from/to) the following file...
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Popular software
ProteinShop 12 May 15
MacMolPlt 2 Jun 15
STEME 20 Feb 15
Bioinformatics Benchmark System 3 Jun 15
Staden Package 12 May 15
checkmyclones 11 May 15
pysam 14 Apr 15