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Popular software
css3-mediaqueries.js 6 Jun 15
JQuery HTML5 fullscreen 12 Apr 15
Dindent 13 Apr 15
Qwery 13 May 15
Store.js 10 Feb 16
CSS3Tables 5 Jun 15
Scrapy 1 Oct 15
New HTML Tools Scripts for Web
FastShell 1.0.6 updated
FastShell works by merging all the above tools into a fully-working automated process that can help developers setup projects within minutes.Visibly inspired by FireShell, FastShell works in the same manner, but instead of producing HTML-JS-CSS projects,...
CriticalCSS 1.0.1 updated
CriticalCSS is a CSS optimization toolkit that finds Above the Fold CSS code. Above the Fold CSS is also known as critical path CSS and is the CSS needed to render the visible part of the page when it first loads. Google started recommended through...
localForage 1.4.0 updated
localForage improves what and how data can be saved offline in a browser. It also helps broaden offline data storage usage for Web apps, by providing a single interface for working with various storage mediums, helping bring some order in various local...
Inliner 1.8.1 updated
As the name might give it away, Inliner takes images, CSS and JavaScript files that help produce a Web page and moves them inside the parent HTML file where they are loaded by default. This cuts HTTP requests and allows an app to be self-contained, just...
parse5 2.1.5 updated
parse5 is one of the best parsing solutions for HTML code, combining performance with standards compliance. While there are a plethora of code parsing tools around, most of them work very slow or produce wildly inaccurate results. parse5 is a solid...
rasterizeHTML.js 1.2.2 updated
It simply reads HTML code and renders the result as a HTML 5 canvas tag. A demo is included with the download package.What is new in this release:Reading back pixels from the canvas is now supported in Chrome. Additionally provides the internal SVG with...
Penthouse 0.8.0 updated
Penthouse can be used in a wide variety of ways and will simplify the process of detecting Above the Fold CSS and then isolating it to its own file. If you're not familiar with the concept, Above the Fold CSS is also known as critical path CSS and is...
Brunch 2.3.0 updated
Brunch creates basic project structures for HTML 5 developers. They can then start coding their project, without loosing any time moving files and folders around.What is new in this release:Fix restarting watcher upon config change Fix issue with npm...
HTMLMinifier 1.2.0 updated
Heavily inspired by the JS Lint service. Powered by V8 and Node.js.What is new in this release:Preserve empty script with src attribute Make draggable enumerated attribute Add option to preserve a single line break on collapse Do not treat draggable as a...
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Popular software
Salvattore 10 Dec 15
HTML-Restrict 13 Apr 15
eCSStender 21 Jul 15
Goutte 10 Dec 15
Brython 9 Feb 16
Loofah 28 Sep 15
Store.js 10 Feb 16