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New Networking Tools Scripts for Web
Guacamole 0.9.9 updated
The application makes use of a server-side VNC-to-XML proxy written in Java.The current version is almost as responsive as native VNC and should work in any browser supporting the HTML5 canvas tag.Guacamole provides access to a VNC server through a...
Apache SSHD 1.1.0 updated
Apache SSHD spun out of the Apache MINA development process and was created as a Java standalone solution for supporting SSH-like communications between Java applications and services. The library was not created as a replacement for the protocol itself...
Apache HttpComponents Client 4.5.1 updated
Apache HttpComponents Client is the successor to the widely used Jakarta Commons HttpClient 3.1 and is tightly integrated with the Apache HttpComponents Core library. The HttpComponents Client library is a tool destined to extend Java's built-in...
Apache HttpComponents Core 4.4.4 updated
Apache HttpComponents Core doesn't cover all facets of the HTTP protocol, but only the main basics, all that's needed to support basic communications between a client and a server. The library can be used for building both client-side and...
Switchmap 14.0 updated
Switchmap uses SNMP to query and record desired data from the switches. Can be used in showing general switch details, usage statistics, installed modules, port and VLAN activity.What is new in this release:Contains 5 or 6 minor bug fixes, including one...
SPDY Server for node.js 3.2.0 updated
SPDY is a networking protocol developed by Google for transporting content across the Internet. It's like HTTP, but much, much faster.The "SPDY Server for node.js" module adds support for this protocol in Node.js and lets programmers create applications...
MIME 0.4.3 updated
The built messages can be used in client/server communications such as Internet mail or HTTP multipart/form-data transactions.The library supports the RFC822...
SockJS 1.0.3 / 0.3.15 updated
The library closely follows the HTML5 Websockets API.What is new in this release:Make `new` optional for SockJS constructor (via substack). It is impossible to cancel JSONP polling request - compensate for that. Refactored EventEmitter prototype (used...
Offline.js 0.7.14 updated
Offilne.js was modeled after the alert system in Gmail that warns users of their lost Internet connection. The library aims to provide a system to constantly scan the user's connection status and show various warnings whenever the Internet connection...
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Popular software
dnsruby 13 May 15
dnslib 12 May 15
Net::SSH 28 Feb 15
python-iptables 1 Oct 15
MIME 9 Feb 16
Requests 28 Feb 15
Apache HttpComponents Core 6 Mar 16