
mountable.js 1.0.0

mountable.js (or MounTable) will simplify the process of displaying JSON data inside an HTML page.The plugin reads a predefined table structure and then looks for special markers inside the JSON file, exporting its content in the appropriate table columns...

jQuery Interactive 3D works by taking a series of related product images and displaying them one after the other, in a quick succession.The used images must be shot from various perspectives and arranged accordingly to form a smooth 3D rotation motion.If...

Zebra_Accordion can be very useful when wanting to present lots of categorized content, but lacking the space to show it all at once.The accordion tabs can serve as a teaser or title section, while the rest of the content is fitted inside the panel...

The Stepwise Progress Bar UI widget shows the total number of steps a user must go through, highlighting the user's current position, while also masking out the steps he already went through.Raphael JS is used to render the UI widget itself, while jQuery...


jquery.mb.valueSlider 1.6.0 updated

jquery.mb.valueSlider transforms regular text input fields into a horizontal line with one or two handles that can be adjusted using the mouse.These handles let the user select the value they want without having to type it and the plugin lets developers...

The "is-calendar" MooTools class provides a quick method of adding a date picker widget to a Web page one line of JavaScript code.Once added to a form input field, every time the user focuses into that field, a popup calendar will be shown from where the...

Sticky Social Bar is a great way of showcasing someone's social media profiles via icons attached to the side of the page.Hovering the icons will make then expand sideways and reveal a small text (default is the social network's name).All of the icons are...