Audio Book

Audio Book 1.8.5 updated

Getting tired of reading eBooks on your Kindle, iPhone, iPod or MP3 player? Love listening to audiobooks while sleeping, crafting? Audio Book enables its uses to convert any eBooks to audiobooks and listen on an iPhone, Android or MP3 player. All...


Vellum 2.6.6 updated

Whether you're publishing your first book or your fifteenth, you'll be amazed at how easy it is to create beautiful eBooks with Vellum.What is new in this release: Write books in foreign languages, with automatic chapter numbering for German, Spanish,...


Calibre 3.9 updated

Calibre is a one stop solution to your e-book needs. It is free, open source and cross-platform in design. Calibre is meant to be a complete e-library solution and thus includes library management, format conversion, news feeds to e-book conversion, as...


Novely 0.1.5

Novely is a fantastic ebook manger for your personal ebook catalog. Novely's goal is to provide a single application in which to manage your entire ebook catalog and make it available on every device. Novely provides a state of the art user experience....


Cakebrew 2.63.0

Calibre is a one stop solution to your e-book needs. It is free, open source and cross-platform in design. Calibre is meant to be a complete e-library solution and thus includes library management, format conversion, news feeds to e-book conversion, as...


MultiMode 2.62.0

Calibre is a one stop solution to your e-book needs. It is free, open source and cross-platform in design. Calibre is meant to be a complete e-library solution and thus includes library management, format conversion, news feeds to e-book conversion, as...


BusyCal 2.61.0

Calibre is a one stop solution to your e-book needs. It is free, open source and cross-platform in design. Calibre is meant to be a complete e-library solution and thus includes library management, format conversion, news feeds to e-book conversion, as...