New Assemblers & Hex Editors for Linux
Apache Ant is a completely free, cross-platform and open source command-line software implemented in Java, distributed along with the Apache project, and designed from the ground up as a powerful build system for compiling applications written in the Java...
GNU Make is an open source and free command-line software that has been designed from the ground up to control the generation of executable files and other non-source files of a program, from the program's source files.Builds programs from...
cx_Freeze is an open source project that provides a set of utilities that can freeze Python scripts into executables in a cross platform way, using many of the techniques found in Thomas Heller's py2exe, Gordon McMillan's Installer, and the Freeze utility...
Sol Manager is a tool to manage your source files and configuration settings. SolMgr organizes project information in compiler- and platform-independent descriptions and allows conversion to native build scripts, such as makefiles or MS Visual Studio...
Custom Eclipse Builder is a lightweight Ant-based project to build a company and personal customized Eclipse distribution including company and personal relevant plugins, preferences and settings.The modern software development process becomes more and...
Disassembler for linux is a software that will try to provide a gui driven tool to disassemble executables. Written in C++, and will disassemble binaries from a number of OSses.Requirements:· GTK+ version 2.6.xWhat's New in This Release:· The...
AdaControl is a free (GMGPL) tool that detects the use of various kinds of constructs in Ada programs. AdaControls first goal is to control proper usage of style or programming rules, but it can also be used as a powerful tool to search for use (or...
OMake is a build system with a similar style and syntax to GNU make but with many additional features, including support for large projects spanning multiple directories, default configuration files simplifying the standard compilation tasks, support for...
Interactive Decompiler project is an interactive decompiler, where the user starts with an almost literal translation of Assembly code in C language, which he progressively decompiles by the successive application of low-level refactorings, ultimately...
Dependency Analyzer is a utility for graphically visualizing Maven2 artifacts dependency graphs. It is using Maven embedder for resolving dependencies and based the Java Universal Network/Graph Framework (Jung) for creating and visualizing the dependency...