SiteHelp.js is a jQuery plugin created for specifically adding a guided help system to a Web site.This system consists of a series of tooltips that appear one after the other next to desired elements on the page, showing users the correct order in which...

Notificationjq.js provides developers with a way to show a notification message that appears from the right side of the page.The notifications panel is rendered and animated using CSS3 and closely resembles the alerts shown in the Windows 8 OS.This means...

Elevator.js is a standalone JavaScript solution for powering your "Back to Top" buttons.It is a framework-agnostic solution that eliminates the quick twitch motion that accompanies all these buttons, and instead slowly animates the user's view to the top...

Golden Layout

Golden Layout 1.0.9 updated

Golden Layout is not a complete UI framework, but a UI component that can help create interactive, responsive layouts.The component's name comes from its built-in support for layouts that follow the Golden Ratio (Spiral) principle.Golden Layout gives...


Sonic 0.2.1

Sonic utilizes the HTML5 canvas utility for animating the spinner, allowing developers to mask loading operations.The library gives developers the tools to decide how the preloader moves and looks, letting him control its path, size, padding, coloring,...


Clockface 1.0.1

Clockface relies on users to recognize regular usage patterns. Instead of using complicated interfaces, dropdowns and buttons to let users select a desired time value, the plugin prints out the hours and minutes on a clock-like circle.The user only needs...

AutoCompleteJS works by automatically opening a dropdown list whenever a user focuses inside an input field.The list holds possible items that can be entered inside the input field.These items can even be categorized using nested lists, ideal when the...

SimpleTreejs works by converting a collection of nested HTML lists into a beautified tree widget, reminiscent of the classic Windows Explorer navigation sidebar.Users can collapse and expand the options they like, searching and selecting the data they're...


Swipe-li 0.1.0

Swipe-li was create for mobile devices, but also works on desktop browsers as well.The principles behind the library is to present a button at page load which can be swiped to the right to approve it (OK) or to the left to reject it (Cancel).As the user...