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CSV Based PHP Mailing List 13 Apr 15
PHP Fake Mail 5 Jun 15
XYZ Email Manager 12 Apr 15
Tellmatic 14 Apr 15
Twitter Bootstrap Wizard 9 Apr 16
Antwort 1 Oct 15
RainLoop 10 Feb 16
New Email Tools Scripts for Web
Twitter Bootstrap Wizard 1.3.2 updated
The component is not focused solely on forms, but can also break down any type of HTML structure, from text blocks, to tables, videos, images, and so on. Twitter Bootstrap Wizard splits long content into smaller sections and presents them using a tabbed...
Ahoy Email 0.3.0 updated
Ahoy Email was developed on top of Ahoy, a powerful Ruby event tracking system for building analytics and Web statistics services.The library works similarly to Ahoy, only it's focused on specific events and actions that occur inside emails.Ahoy Email can...
SendmailAnalyzer 9.2 updated
SendmailAnalyzer is easy to setup, coming with in-depth documentation and lots of customizable settings. The script works by interpreting standard maillog files and presenting the results via a Web accessible interface. Data is collected about top email...
node-imap 0.8.16 updated
Node-imap allows asynchronous communication between Node.js and IMAP servers.A Node.js developer can simply connect and retrieve email data only via JavaScript code, without any proprietary software or third-party libraries. Usage instructions are...
RainLoop updated
RainLoop is for people tired of the constant changes to their email account's Web interface, tired of all the ads, and tired of the network latency and slow responsive UI. This small PHP script can be deployed to any personal (public or local) Web server...
phpList 3.2.4 updated
phpList is just like MailChimp, only self-hosted, with all the data stored on your own servers instead of some shady company's servers, on the Internet, where hackers or the likes of the NSA can get to them. phpList is perfect for managing...
Sendy updated
The problem with most MLM scripts is bandwidth usage. As the subscribers list grows, so does the cost of sending out the newsletter, growing exponentially with each new mailing list and each new email campaign. This is not only true for open source MLM...
ez-email 0.1.5 updated
Emails can be sent using some simple commands or scripts. Usage: EZ::Email.deliver( :to => 'your_friend@hotstuff.com', :from =>...
EmailReplyParser 2.4.1 updated
Besides the email's content, various details in the email's header can also be parsed. EmailReplyParser comes with support for detecting quoted text and email signatures. This can be very useful in large email conversations and for avoiding...
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Popular software
Swift Mailer 20 Jul 15
Antwort 1 Oct 15
NewsLetter Script PHP 1 Mar 15
Email Framework 12 May 15
IMP Webmail Client 5 Jun 15
Nodemailer 12 May 15
MailBomber 5 Jun 15