Apache Isis

Apache Isis 1.9.0 updated

Apache Isis is extendable, standards-based and perfect for DDD (deploy domain-driven) applications. The framework takes the user's domain services and code repositories and automatically generates an API or a GUI out of it. It does this via a set of...

Apache Falcon

Apache Falcon 0.8 updated

Apache Falcon is basically a data management system for Apache Hadoop installations. It helps developers move around and process data recorded in a Hadoop database. Developers can create custom routines and then use them for automated or custom data...

Apache Lens

Apache Lens 2.4.0-beta updated

Apache Lens is an aggregation system that acts like an umbrella project for various data storage mediums.Lens will act like an intermediary, taking user queries and sending them to each service in its own specific query language and syntax.It will then...

Apache Camel

Apache Camel 2.16.1 updated

Apache Camel helps developers implement "Enterprise Integration Patterns", a concept made famous first by Gregor Hohpe's Enterprise Integration Patterns book, and then expanded and improved by many other authors. This and all the subsequent books...

Apache Samza

Apache Samza 0.9.1 updated

Apache Samza is written in Scala and provides a fault-tolerant and secure way of processing data streams.Samza's main effort is to conserve resources, while also running a secure, reliable data processing unit.The entire system is well documented and...


Jetspeed 2.3.0

In more technical terms, Jetspeed is an Open Portal Platform and Enterprise Information Portal.This allows developers to build small independent portlets inside the Jetspeed core, exchanging information with the "mother ship" and letting developers...

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Apache UIMA

Apache UIMA 2.8.1 updated

Apache UIMA stands for Unstructured Information Management Applications.UIMA is an interesting project from the Apache Foundation that tries to analyze and detect information blocks and patterns inside large unorganized data.As an example to what UIMA...

Apache Shiro

Apache Shiro 1.2.4 updated

Apache Shiro bundles together various features and toolkits for protecting and enhancing the security of a Java website, Web or desktop application.Shiro can be used from simple local apps to large intranet structures or enterprise networks.Besides the...

Apache Struts

Apache Struts 2.3.24 / 2.5-BETA1 updated

Apache Struts is a mature and battle-tested Java framework for building complex and modern Java Web applications.These applications use a modern MVC design architecture and can easily be extended via plugins,Support is included for modern-day technologies...