
Apache 2.4.34 updated

Apache is an open source, cross-platform and completely free command-line software designed to implemented a web server on any Linux and UNIX-like operating system for serving files via the HTTP and HTTPS protocols. The world’s most used web server...

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Apache Abdera was initially developed by IBM and is a simple library for generating Atom feeds for various purposes.The library has a modular architecture which helps it divide functionality amongst its components, and keep the code size down based on...

Apache Accumulo

Apache Accumulo 1.7.0 updated

Apache Accumulo is a mashup of various technologies, from Google's BigTable, to Apache's Hadoop, Thrift and Zookeeper.Compared to Google's BigTable system, Accumulo features a few improvements of its own.These include table cell-based access restrictions,...

Apache ACE

Apache ACE 2.0.1

Apache ACE is a powerful framework that can be used in building centralized hubs where programmers can host their software, components, artifacts and other files and easily distribute them to their clients and client applications.Built on an OSGi modular...

Apache ActiveMQ

Apache ActiveMQ 5.13.3 updated

Apache ActiveMQ natively supports Java clients via a Java Message Service (JMS) client, but the library also supports cross-language clients as well. This means ActiveMQ can inter-connect clients and servers communicating from different programming...

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Apache Airavata

Apache Airavata 0.15 updated

Apache Airavata is not for the common developer, being geared toward scientists that work with huge computational resources. Airavata supports large clusters that need to be interconnected and synced so they will be able to handle large data streams and...

Apache Allura

Apache Allura 1.3.2 updated

Apache Allura was first developed by the SourceForge team to manage their wiki, issues tracker and code viewer sections. It has since been donated and now managed by the Apache Software Foundation. Allura is now a complete software forge system, that can...

Apache Ambari

Apache Ambari 2.1.2 updated

Apache Ambari allows database administrators to install, manage and monitor Hadoop clusters. Collecting metrics is done via Ganglia, while email alerts are sent out via Nagios. Amabari is basically a Web-based administration GUI for Hadoop, a tool that...

Apache Ant

Apache Ant 1.9.7 updated

Apache Ant doesn't work on top of a shell like the aforementioned projects, but on top of Java itself. Ant can be used to allow administrators to manage various facets of their projects using a XML-based configuration file. This file can be used to store...

Apache AntUnit is merely a collection of Ant tasks that can be used to test itself.These tasks are specially crafted to verify the integrity of an Ant build file and see if any tasks or procedures return errors or stop the process.AntUnit is basically a...