Apache Commons Validator uses a local XML file to take its data validation rules from, so basically by modifying one single local file, developers can have full, dynamic, near real-time access to their validation patterns.Support s also included for...

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According to JCR, a content repository is "a hierarchical content data store that can support structured and unstructured content." If this sounds complicated, a simpler definition is: "a simple information management system that provides various services...

Apache log4net is an open source library software, a command-line utility especially designed to help the programmer output log statements for a wide range of output targets. It is a port of the excellent and popular Apache log4j framework for the...

Apache UIMA

Apache UIMA 2.6.0

Apache UIMA is an open source, multiplatfomr and free Java SDK (Software Development Kit) and framework that includes all kind of tools and annotators, facilitating the analysis of unstructured content, such as audio, video and text.UIMA stands for...

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