FloatingTips ports the tooltip UI component to the MooTools framework, allowing developers to use it with their MooTools apps and websites.The "bubble tooltip" method is a renowned UI practice for showing hints or hidden content, relying on the user to...


BasicTabs 1.0

BasicTabs will help developers organize their content inside a tab panel, a well-known UI component, usually used in websites where there isn't enough space to show all the information in a desired section of the page.Semantically building a tab panel is...


jKnotify 1.0

jKnotify's role is to act as a way to show feedback for any of the user's actions.Inspired by KDE4's Knotify, this jQuery plugin will show simple notifications in the corner of a page.The content of the notifications can be changed based on the user's...

Fwdmarket Timepicker shows a popup whenever the user focuses inside an input field where a time value is expected.The popup presents the user with a standard time and a set of arrow buttons to adjust it.By default the adjustment step is 15 minutes, but...


notifyMe 1.1.0

notifyMe can be used for showing notification messages on a Web page, relaying important messages or just triggering a visual feedback for various interactions.Four different notification types are included, each with its own color, signifying various...

Gradient Picker provides a visual interface for creating CSS 3 gradients.Users can control the type of gradient, gradient direction, the gradient's colors and the amount of color points in each gradient.To help selecting colors, a color picker widget is...

jQuery.notify is a quick-fix solution if you need to show feedback on a Web page.It lets developers build simple ways of showing dynamic confirmations for various actions and page states, supporting by default these 5 notification types:-alert- success-...

jQuery DropDown will show a popover dropdown panel next to a desired page element, triggered when clicking the item.The dropdown panel produced by this action is a simple menu which can hold various controls.The developer is in full control over each of...

Paper Collapse was inspired by Google's famous Material Design presentation and is a nifty little tool for enhancing the way accordion panels are displayed on a page.Instead of expanding them every time an option is clicked, the Paper Collapse plugin...