DynamicTable is a beautification script for HTML tables, specifically useful for those that present lots and lots of data.The component works without any JavaScript framework loaded on the page, and can also handle very large amounts of data, in the realm...

Notify Bar

Notify Bar 1.5.2 updated

Whenever a message needs to be displayed to the user (info, warning, success, etc.), the plugin will show a floating bar at the top of the browser window (not page). All notification messages are styleable via CSS.The bar stays visible just for a short...


Ladda 0.9.8 updated

Ladda uses various techniques to overlay or inject a preloader animation/graphic inside the button's body every time it's pushed.This unique concept was developed especially for AJAX-based UIs, being non-intrusive to the rest of the interface.An overlay...


bTabs 1.0

bTabs lets developers slot text blocks in their own panel and show them one at a time.This presentation concept is also known as a "tabbed interface", also a tab panel or tab switcher.These types of components are regularly used online and are utilized in...


SwipeOut 0.2.0

SwipeOut implements a common UX pattern found in most mobile applications: the "swipe to delete" gesture.While this can be pretty easy to implement in native mobile apps, SwipeOut provides a way to make this work in JS-based applications.The plugin works...


jRange 0.1

jRange comes in two modes. One for adding simple drag sliders that let the user adjust a handle on a line with min/max values, and one for adding range selectors, upgraded drag sliders that provide two handles, one for the start value and one for the end...

The add-on can be used in live Web applications to signal the start and stop of a loading operation and is ideal for letting the user know he was to wait just a little bit longer before he can use the app or one of its features.ngActivityIndicator was...

Light Tag Handler works with regular input fields, letting users enter their text and separating terms using a comma.When the comma key is pressed, all text previously entered is wrapped inside a pill and converted into a tag.Users can enter multiple...

Purplecoat.js can be very helpful if you want to build a tutorial or an intro presentation for a Web service.It works by showing an overlay on top of a specific page element and then showing some text inside it.This text can be instructions or just a...


tableutils 1.1.2

The tableutils plugin was created to make working with tables on the Web a lot easier.It is recommended for large table structures, where using such functions provides an actual advantage to loading a JS script if your table was only ten rows deep.The...