
Andy.scss 1.1

Andy.scss helps developers working on smaller projects where using a big and bulky CSS or frontend UI framework doesn't actually help with development tasks, but greatly hinders them.For projects where just small snippets of code are needed, dealing with...

Suave UI

Suave UI 0.3.1

Suave UI was developed to automate the process of creating a user interface for AngularJS projects.This frontend framework comes with support for lots of basic typographic styles, its own grid system, and a few ready-made components.The framework also...


Flatstrap 3.3.1

Flatstrap is exactly like Bootstrap, but with flat colors (no gradients) and no rounded corners.All Bootstrap widgets and components are included, but with a different, flatter skin.Flatstrap is just an alternative to Bootstrap, but for designers that...


Shorthand.js 0.1.0

Shorthand.js takes the pain out of writing complex JavaScript code for animating and triggering various actions when interacting with an UI component.Developers will be using a simple syntax to write their desired interaction models, Shorthand.js...

HTML5 Admin puts some order in the plethora of Bootstrap UI components, providing a basic starting point and a lot of ready-made page templates on which developers can create an administrative dashboard on.Ideal for forum, CMS, blog, or portal backends,...

Zoltan Admin will simplify the process of building an unique backend for your application by providing the Bootstrap built-in widgets already altered to fit inside specially designed admin panel templates.The dashboard template and all its components are...

textAssist can be used on pages with lots of text, especially if the text contains lots of technical terms, addresses, quotes, or words/phrases in other languages.The plugin works by automatically showing a popup menu when the user makes a text...


Fluqi 1.11.0

Fluqi merges the power of C# with the ready-made components provided by the jQuery UI framework. It simplifies the process of integrating these widgets in .NET environments and allows developers easy access without having to manually alter widgets and...

Default CSS Smart Grid width on a normal desktop is 960px.Depending on the device used to access the page, CSS Smart Grid rearranges and resizes the content on a page to fit the maximum width the device is capable of displaying.This means the website will...



MUELLER was created to work with responsive or fixed layouts, allowing developers to build beautiful content presentation templates, utilizing a basic vertical grid system.Built using an agnostic approach, MUELLER allows a customizable environment, not...