960 Grid System (or 960gs) is a CSS framework providing a predefined 960px column layout.960gs.less takes all that CSS code and replaces it with LESS, all for the purpose of easier editing and maintenance. The code is almost identical with the original...


DevOOPS 1.0

DevOOPS is a modified and enhanced version of the Bootstrap framework, changed and adapted specifically to be used in building administrative dashboards and application backends.Besides Bootstrap other technologies like DataTables, D3.js, Select2,...


Drought 4.2.0

In some places HTML5 and CSS3 are used for enhancing looks and functionality. The project comes with all the absic tool for quickly starting creating a website theme.Drought was previously known as Barebones.Features:Robots.txt...

Dojo Bootstrap implements Bootstrap 3.1.x to work on top of Dojo 1.9.x.It was created to allow developers stuck in environments where Dojo must be used at all costs to take advantage of the great UI design paradigms brought forward by the Bootstrap...

SB Admin is a specifically modified version of Bootstrap that allows developers to quickly build dashboards and admin panels on top of it. SB Admin features all the classic Bootstrap widgets, but also a bunch of new components as well.There are components...

It's the next step in the evolution of the NewAeon HTML 5 framework, with support for responsive layouts and non-obtrusive JS.Features:Easy to use Compliant with the latest HTML 5 technologies Cross-browser tested Cross-device tested Simple file and...