The "Music Portfolio Template with HTML5 and jQuery" script can be used by recording artists to organize their songs in albums and have the user play them back using a simple interface, directly from the browser.The component is so well designed and...

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The "Custom Animation Banner with jQuery" widget allows developers to create ads that don't require Flash animations to work.The widget allows for multiple banner elements to be animated at the same time in different directions, coordinates and...

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The "Pull Out Content Panel with jQuery" script works once the user scrolls down to the end of a page.Here a panel will be slid into the page from the side showing more article links.This panel can be expanded, minimized or closed.The related content...

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Flexible Slide-to-top Accordion is unique because when opening a panel, its header is moved to the top of the page automatically.The accordion supports one or multiple opened panels at the same time.For the two scenarios, working demos are included with...

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Portfolio Zoom Slider helps designers list their portfolio in an interactive way.By default, portfolio items are made up from a simple thumb, a project link and a small text description area.Hovering the mouse over the portfolio thumbnail will show a...

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Parallax animations are animations moving on different axes and speeds.The Parallax Slider works in the same way, animating a new image into the user's view at a high speed, while the slider's background moves at a slower speed.This creates a beautiful...

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Under the hood, the accordion can be powered by radio buttons or checkboxes.The difference between the two?- When using radio buttons, only one panel can be opened at a time.- When using checkboxes, multiple panels can be opened at the same time.Also, at...

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