The forms are just a basic HTML structure, styled and animated via CSS3.The forms do not process and send data, nor do they create / authenticate users.The purpose of the "Login and Registration Form" package is to create a switching mechanism between...

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PHP Login System comes with an administrative backend, login screen, register account page and a password recovery template as well.PHP Login System will store all user-entered data inside a MySQL database, and allow only previously registered users to...

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jCapSlide 1.0

A caption is a text shown attached to an image. A caption is usually shown under or image, but recent trends in the Web design community have moved the placement of a caption field in various areas of an image, in most cases overlayed on top of...


jBookMark 1.0

With jBookMark, a user can mark a line as important like in a desktop text editor and return to it when needed.When creating a bookmark, it will be displayed on the left side of the page using an image marker.To prevent over-crowded pages, the developer...

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The button works by expanding/sliding and revealing a hidden panel containing additional information whenever the user will hover his mouse over it.Underneath it, any kind of content can be displayed, from simple text, to other form elements and even...

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When properly setup, the admin of a website can inspect how site visitors have used the site by activating a simple click tracker.The logged results will be shown using blue dots on top of a semi-transparent overlay pulled over the page.The button that...

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In its normal state, the menu is shown only in a minimized state.Clicking or hovering on the arrow or menu marker will expand a side panel and reveal the menu's options.Hovering away from the menu or the options will make them slide back beneath the...

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This library allows creating graphs that can be zoomed and then panned with the aid of a slider, just like in Google's financial charts.Created with D3.js, the graphs can be used to show large statistical data, that spans across a large time period and...

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Slider Gallery with jQuery works by showing a list of image gallery categories at page load.Clicking a category will show a list of image thumbnails to choose from.When the user clicks on one of the thumbnails, that selected image will be presented inside...

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The menu works by minimizing other menu items that are not selected, and giving full visibility to the selected element.Built with plenty of CSS transitions and animations.Various demos are included with the download package.Requirements:JavaScript...

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