
Pecan 0.8.3

Pecan focuses on an app or website's relation to HTTP requests, unlike classic frameworks that deal with sessions, databases and user interactions.In this way it's a low-level Python framework, but one more powerful than classic solutions because it...


Tappy 0.3.1

Tappy can be quite helpful if you need an unique security system for your page, allowing an app to distinguish between various users, or between users and spam bots by their input rhythm.The library works with client-side (browsers) and server-side...

Rails Assets is a merger between Bundler and Bower.Bundler is a Ruby tool for managing assets and dependencies. Bower on the other hand does the same thing, only for Node.js.Using these two tools is considered an unofficial standard for both development...


Spread 1.0

Spread is actually written in Compass, a more organized version of SASS, and then compiled to CSS for serving it to clients.It ports all the original Golden Grid System's features, even the small JS widget for turning a grid overlay on top of your page to...


dasBaum 1.0

dasBaum is a plugin for easily presenting nested data structures, utilizing the classic menu tree display, made famous by desktop operating systems.This widget reproduces the look and feel of a tree menu, but via HTML, CSS, and jQuery, so it can be used...


Protos 0.5.0

Protos can be used to fasten development stages by providing a basic structure and ready to use tools for developing, deploying and debugging JS-based Web applications.The framework is the result of rounding up together multiple techniques and best...


BeaverSlider 2.0.1

BeaverSlider can be used in building classic slideshows where users can navigate through a collection of images.Various slideshow modes are supported, from the classic "slide to the side" motions, to Ken Burns like zoom effects.Lots of transitions and...