
DataMgr 2.5.1

DataMgr is a wrapper around basic CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) database operations allowing developers to easily write code that connects and then modifies data stored inside a database.On top of this, developers can also use DataMgr to define a...


Neptune 1.0 Beta 3

Neptune was created with speed and ease of use in mind.It comes with support for various database engines, all via DataMgr, along with support for OOP and MVC structures.Applications designed in Neptune also have a good performance, are platform-agnostic,...


Less4j 1.8.5

LESS stands for Leaner CSS and is an extension to the CSS language to add support for variables, nested rules, mixins and operationsIt uses current CSS 2 & 3 syntax.Less4j implements LESS support in Java, porting most of its functionality from less.js, a...


LibXML 2.8.0

The libxml gem provides Ruby language bindings for GNOME's Libxml2 XML toolkit.Features:It's much faster than REXML and Hpricot It provides an amazing number of featues It passes all 1800+ tests from the OASIS XML Tests...


nflvid 0.2.1

For people not accustomed to NFL games, most of the action takes place in fast action plays.When coaches analyze a game, they don't watch the entire game, just these short plays where all the action takes place.If provided with the proper play-by-play...


Cachet 1.0

Cachet was coded on top of the Laravel PHP application and is an open source alternative to the service.It works by logging incidents that occur on your servers and for various services, showing various messages in real-time, as the problems...