
ballboy.js 1.3.0

Dribbble is a social networks for designers and graphic artists where they can share their most recent work in the format of 400x300px images.The network is invitation-only and has become extremely popular with designers and developers alike. It's...

Share CFC

Share CFC 1.005

Adobe Share is a free Web-based service that allows its users to create, share, publish, and organize their PDF or other documents.Share CFC is a ColdFusion component for this service, allowing developers to query and interact with the service in various...


Dug.js 1.0.1

Since most public or private Web APIs provide query results in JSONP, a library like Dug.js can easily be used to parse and retrieve their content.Dug.js provides a simpler interface for allowing developers to query various API endpoints, and then output...


embedly-php 0.5.4

Embedly is a platform for converting URLs into embeddable content.This library allows PHP developers to interact with the API, and utilize some of the service's features and tools inside PHP-based websites and API...


Groupon 1.0.1 is a website for getting the best deals and offers for major cities and regions across the Globe.This library allows Ruby developers to pull those offers inside their Ruby apps.This library can be really useful for affiliate programs, but it...


Sixpack-php 2.0.3

Sixpack-php basically allows PHP  developers to create and run A/B tests in their favorite PHP-based technology and use the library to gather and send usage reports to a Sixpack installation.Sixpack-php is an officially supported API client.Other...