It uses YQL to pull weather data from the Yahoo! Weather feed.A location can be selected either via a ZIP code or from passing a string describing a location.The plugin retrieves information as pure text.Just pass it a template and it can be used to build...


4ch 0.4.0 is a renowned image board, a place where people come to view or share photos.4ch is a Python-based library that connects to the 4chan JSON API, makes queries and retrieves results to be used inside a Python app or website.Requirements:Python 2.7...

MailChimp is a online service which can be used to manage, send and track customer newsletters and email marketing campaigns.Written in Python, the library allows developers using the Django framework to remotely interact with the MailChimp...

Works best when attached to an input and map field.While typing in an address in the field, suggestions are shown in a drop-down panel.If the user choose one, the map will automatically show that location on the map.A demo is included with the download...


Odyssey.js 0.1.0

CartoDB is a Web service for building beautiful maps and map visualizations.Odyssey.js takes the full features of CartoDB and allows developers to build maps that move, animate, and respond to user input in an engaging way.The library is ideal for...