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Software Details:
Version: 0.5.4
Upload Date: 12 May 15
Developer: Benoit Chesneau
Distribution Type: Freeware
Downloads: 26

Rating: 3.0/5 (Total Votes: 2)

tproxy is a simple TCP routing proxy (layer 7) built on Geven_t, which lets you configure the routine logic in Python. It's heavily inspired from proxy machine but have some unique like the pre-fork worker model borrowed to Gunicorn.


tproxy requires Python 2.x >= 2.5. Python 3.x support is planned.

pip install gevent
pip install tproxy

To install from source:

git clone git://
cd tproxy
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

Test your installation by running the command line:

tproxy examples/

And go on , you should see the google homepage.


tproxy -h

Usage: tproxy [OPTIONS] script_path

 --version show program's version number and exit
 -h, --help show this help message and exit
 --log-file=FILE The log file to write to. [-]
 --log-level=LEVEL The granularity of log outputs. [info]
 --log-config=FILE The log config file to use. [None]
 -n STRING, --name=STRING
 A base to use with setproctitle for process naming.
 -D, --daemon Daemonize the Gunicorn process. [False]
 -p FILE, --pid=FILE A filename to use for the PID file. [None]
 -u USER, --user=USER Switch worker processes to run as this user. [501]
 -g GROUP, --group=GROUP
 Switch worker process to run as this group. [20]
 -m INT, --umask=INT A bit mask for the file mode on files written by
 Gunicorn. [0]
 The socket to bind. []
 --backlog=INT The maximum number of pending connections. [2048]
 -w INT, --workers=INT
 The number of worker process for handling requests.
 The maximum number of simultaneous clients per worker.
 -t INT, --timeout=INT
 Workers silent for more than this many seconds are
 killed and restarted. [30]


QUIT - Graceful shutdown. Stop accepting connections immediatly
 and wait until all connections close

TERM - Fast shutdown. Stop accepting and close all conections
 after 10s.
INT - Same as TERM

HUP - Graceful reloading. Reload all workers with the new code
 in your routing script.

USR2 - Upgrade tproxy on the fly

TTIN - Increase the number of worker from 1

TTOU - Decrease the number of worker from 1

Exemple of routing script

import re
re_host = re.compile("Host:\s*(.*)\r\n")

class CouchDBRouter(object):
 # look at the routing table and return a couchdb node to use
 def lookup(self, name):
 """ do something """

router = CouchDBRouter()

# Perform content-aware routing based on the stream data. Here, the
# Host header information from the HTTP protocol is parsed to find the
# username and a lookup routine is run on the name to find the correct
# couchdb node. If no match can be made yet, do nothing with the
# connection. (make your own couchone server...)

def proxy(data):
 matches = re_host.findall(data)
 if matches:
 host = router.lookup(matches.pop())
 return {"remote": host}
 return None

Example SOCKS4 Proxy in 18 Lines

import socket
import struct

def proxy(data):
 if len(data) < 9:

 command = ord(data[1])
 ip, port = socket.inet_ntoa(data[4:8]), struct.unpack(">H", data[2:4])[0]
 idx = data.index("\0")
 userid = data[8:idx]

 if command == 1: #connect
 return dict(remote="%s:%s" % (ip, port),
 return {"close": "\0\x5b\0\0\0\0\0\0"}

Valid return values

 { "remote:": string or tuple } - String is the host:port of the server that will be proxied.
 { "remote": String, "data": String} - Same as above, but send the given data instead.
 { "remote": String, "data": String, "reply": String} - Same as above, but reply with given data back to the client
 None - Do nothing.
 { "close": True } - Close the connection.
 { "close": String } - Close the connection after sending the String.

Handle errors

You can easily handling error by adding a proxy_error function in your script:

def proxy_error(client, e):

This function get the ClientConnection instance (current connection) as first arguments and the error exception in second argument.


  • Python

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