TocJS 1.1.2

TocJS works by reading and extracting the headers found on a page and printing them inside a special widget, transformed to link back to the original header when clicked.Developers can customize the formatting of each heading level and even work together...

Translate Toolkit

Translate Toolkit 1.12.0 / 1.13.0-rc1

The Toolkit can convert between various different translation formats (such as Gettext PO formats, XLIFF,, and Mozilla formats).This makes it possible to stay in one format across all localization, thus allowing to master one translation...


textFit 2.1.1

textFit (formerly jquery.textFit) works by resizing text to fit the width and height of its container.Unlike similar plugins and libraries which leave text alone if the container is large enough, textFit increases the text's size as well, so the edge of...


Lettering.JS 0.7.0

To use, just wrap a line or line of text in a class and pass it to the plugin's functions.By default, the plugin adds a class for every letter in a word.To style the letters just use the .charX class, where X is the number of the letter in the line of...

WordySwitch takes a series of words passed via a JavaScript array and shows them one at a time inside a designated page element.Hovering the word makes it hang on for a while.The speed at which words are rotated in normal circumstances and when they're...

There's an obvious problem with font rendering, not only for the Web, but for desktop applications as well.While desktop environments don't concern Web developers, browser font rendering does, which indirectly brings all the desktop-based problems into...

FlipPhone.js works by showing the vanity number in its natural form.When the user hovers his mouse over the vanity number, the letters are flipped and the real numbers behind them are revealed.The plugin can be useful in helping non-technical users...


AcroGrow.js 0.1.0

AcroGrow.js comes with a decent list of acronyms and their translations, but developers can easily add their own as well.And if you want to confuse your users even more, AcroGrow also includes a function for replacing the acronym's letters with random...

Textile is a lightweight markup language originally developed by Dean Allen and billed as a "humane Web text generator".Textile converts its marked-up text input to valid, well-formed XHTML and also inserts character entity references for apostrophes,...