
PortScan 1.42

PortScan shows all open ports and additional information about HTTP, FTP, SMTP, SNMP and SMB services. Portscan find all active devices on your network.Up to 200 threads are used for scanning large IP address...

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Doro PDF Writer setup contains all what you need for creating PDF files. After installation you have an additional printer called 'Doro PDF Writer'. You can create a colored PDF file from any windows program.What is new in this release:Version 1.85...


Homedale 1.37

With Homedale you can monitor the signal strength of multiple WLAN Access Points. You can view a summary of all available access points with their signal strength, encryption (WEP,WPA, or WPA2), speed, channel, and other settings. You can also see the...

Get notified about new emails in your outlook.com, live.com, hotmail.com, mail.google.com, mail.yahoo.com, facebook.com, twitter.com, e.mail.ru, IBM / Lotus Notes, mail.virgilio.it and www.zoho.com inbox. This is a replacement for the Windows Live...