
Bear 1.43

Bear displays for every process under Windows NT: the usage of all GDI Objects (hDC, hRegion, hBitmap, hPalette, hFont, hBrush), usage of all User Objects (hWnd, hMenu, hCursor, SetWindowsHookEx, SetTimer and some other stuff), and the handle...

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Carroll 1.13

You can set for every user a different screen resolution. After logon the screen resolution will be changed to the stored setting. The ZIP file contains a setup which installs Carroll. Carroll is started automatically for every user. At the first time,...

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CDInfo 1.10

This program displays all ISO descriptors from all attached cd-rom drives. The ISO descriptors contain strings about the used cd creation software. You can also see whether the CD is bootable or has mac...


CheckSum 1.0

The program renders a new CheckSum for a given PE image. This is needed for device drivers in Windows NT since they check the image before loading a driver. Every executable file can have a checksum, if this checksum is wrong, Windows will not load the...

Doro PDF Writer setup contains all what you need for creating PDF files. After installation you have an additional printer called 'Doro PDF Writer'. You can create a colored PDF file from any windows program.What is new in this release:Version 1.85...


Grand 1.04

This program shows all sensor data on Windows 7. Its event driven. The data will be automatically updated if something changes. Geosense for Windows provides positioning information without GPS hardware. Further, the Windows 7 SDK contains the...

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Homedale 1.37

With Homedale you can monitor the signal strength of multiple WLAN Access Points. You can view a summary of all available access points with their signal strength, encryption (WEP,WPA, or WPA2), speed, channel, and other settings. You can also see the...

Get notified about new emails in your,,,,,,,, IBM / Lotus Notes, and inbox. This is a replacement for the Windows Live...


Nassau 1.09

Nassau shows a small icon near the clock. The tooltip of this icon shows the username, computer name and workgroup or domain. Further, for every network adapter, every IP, gateway and DNS server...

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