useful.transitions.js allows developers to trigger CSS3 animations with their sites without having to manually write the CSS3 code themselves.This small library uses JavaScript syntax to let developers pass simple instructions and animations routines to...

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useful.color.js is a color picker that works around the new HTML5 color input feature.It uses the operating system's built-in color picker to let users select their desired color, and automatically fills in that color in hexformat inside the form... is a date picker component that works around the new HTML5 date input feature.By default it enhances the HTML5 date input mechanism with extra features, and also delivers a fallback mechanism for browsers not supporting HTML5.These new...

useful.categories.js can be used to add filters to a collection of items.These items can be images, form fields, paragraphs, DIVs, SPANs, and any other HTML structure that can hold an HTML5 data attribute.The categories on which the filters work are...

useful.form.js leverages the new HTML5 form-related updates to provide a more modern approach to validating Web forms.The library is capable of validating all the data entered in a form's fields on the client's side, from where it encodes it in a XML file...

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useful.photozoom.js is a classic lightbox script, a JavaScript library that allows users to click on a thumbnail and expand it into a larger version of itself.A close button is provided to dismiss the lightbox, and external controls for opening specific...

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