
Stencil 1.0

Stencil provides a portable template engine for CodeIgniter allowing developers to plug it into any CI application and take advantage of its great features.The template engine supports slices, helpers, callbacks, easy asset management, and can load...

The library allows CodeIgniter admins to render their charts via the famous Highcharts JavaScript charting library.Supports all chart types supported by the Highcharts library (bar, pie, line, spline, area, areaspline, column and scatter).Features:Use...

It supports all the normal HTTP requests usually used on a website.Features:POST/GET/PUT/DELETE requests over HTTP HTTP Authentication Provides debug information Proxy support Cookies Follows redirects Returns error string What is new in this...

It permits developers to write and retrieve chunks of data to and from the storage filesystem.By storing complex or large chunks of data in serialized form on the file system the user can relieve stress from the database or simply cache calls to...

The term "assets" refers to JavaScript and CSS files.This CodeIngiter plugin will allow the developer to control how and when assets are called and loaded inside an app.Assets-Helper supports loading one file at a time, or grouping and loading multiple...

The CodeIgniter Pagination Library was built to work with entries stored inside a database, allowing the developer to control the flow of information dumped on each page.The library, besides just splitting long content across multiple pages, also comes...

It implements additional features for the CodeIgniter "views" module. The library is inspired by the "views" module in Symfony.Documentation can be found in the download package's README file.Features:Manage layouts, page title, metas, CSS and JS with...

flexi auth can be used for running a community-powered CodeIgniter installation, supporting a special section in your site where users can make new accounts and where they can login into them.Along with the frontend part there's also a backend where...