
HeadOut 1.2 updated

HeadOut performs various Markdown/HTML transformations with headings and outlines.What is new in this release:Outline levels not included in the Table of Contents are now converted to Unordered List items rather than headings, to make resulting documents...

HTML-Optimizer Plus speeds up your site by optimizing both HTML and script code of your web pages and optimizing your JPEG and PNG images. It helps you keep organized by creating a duplicate site folder for the optimized files. An added benefit is that it...

A text written in Markdown is a plain text which looks correctly to humans as text and automatically translates in a correctly web pages coded in html. Using the markdown rules the user can create nice formatted text and automatically have good looking...

HTML-Optimizer speeds up your web site by optimizing both HTML and script code of your web pages and your JPEG and PNG images. It helps you keep organized by creating a duplicate site folder for the optimized files. An added benefit is that it leaves your...

HTML-Optimizer Pro speeds up your site by optimizing both HTML and script code of your web pages and optimizing your JPEG and PNG images. It helps you keep organized by creating a duplicate site folder for the optimized files. An added benefit is that it...