useful.viewer.js is a JavaScript library that breaks up big photos in smaller parts using PHP, and then loads only the visible portions based on the user's photo zoom level.The behavior is similar to what you see daily on Google Maps, but packed in a...

useful.zoom.js has two main features: the zooming function and the panning capability.The library works by cramming and resizing a larger image to fit inside a small container.The zooming function allows users to zoom in a photo around this container's...

useful.cropper.js is a JavaScript and PHP solution to run your own image cropping system.It works by overlaying a transparent DIV over the image, with a cut-out box on top, giving a preview of what the cut-out image could look like.Users can grab the...

useful.catalog.js is an alternative to those bulky Flash-based magazine widgets, letting developers embed images in a magazine-like display.This widget is perfect when wanting to insert an online version of a magazine or catalog on your site, allowing...