Similar to the Facebook Like/Unlike system, whenever the user presses a link, an AJAX request is emitted, sending data to a server.Formula.js works by parsing 'data-' attributes found in the clicked link to know what kind of request to start and what data...

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Snap.js 1.9.3 / 2.0.0-rc1

Snap.js can be used for showing hidden panels from the side of the page.These panels can come from both the left or the right of the page and can be shown and hidden at will.They can be triggered either by dragging the page to the left or right, or by...

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Bootstrap-SubModal can nest Bootstrap modals inside other Bootstrap modal windows.The plugin can be used for multiple stages of interaction, keeping the second modal inside the boundaries of the first modal.This allows developers to avoid situations where...

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Context.js replaces the browser-OS specific context menus with custom created ones, allowing programmers to customize their sites and Web apps, giving them a more native, personal style.The plugin comes with two stylesheets. One for working with Twitter's...

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Behave.js 1.5

Behave.js transforms a bland textarea into a fully-working IDE, rendering it capable of recognizing code input, and adding special formatting as the user types.Textareas are universally considered dumb text zones because there's very little formatting...


Medium.js 1.0.1 / 2.0.0-alpha

Medium.js was named after the Medium Web service, implementing an inline text editing pattern as seen on the site.Medium.js allows developers to use HTML5's new contenteditable attribute in a much easier manner, allowing for text to be inputted and...