PHPShortener will convert a long URL into a short URL, and then decode a short URL to its longer version.The class is easy to use, pretty flexible so it can be extended with new services, and can auto-detect the service in the URL it needs to...

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TextboxList can be used to overtake a normal text input field and improve  the default text input user experience.This can be done by adding auto-complete support, helping users easily enter common words by typing the first few characters and then...

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PlaceholderInput can be used as a fallback mechanism in browsers that don't natively support the HTML5 placeholder attribute.It works practically the same way, showing filler text inside form fields, giving users a hint of what to enter inside them.And...

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BSOD 0.1

BSOD is quite easy to use and allows developers to create custom (funny) error screen messages that look like the error screens in the first versions of the Windows operating system.The BSOD.js file controls the text shown in the BSOD screen, and can...

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BarackSlideshow lets you easily feature images inside a small container.To the side of the slider main container there are small texts, which when pressed will change the slideshow's featured image.A cursor will help highlight the currently viewed "text...

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CSS3 Overlay System, being only CSS, allows any developers to customize the modal popup without tangling himself in complicated JavaScript code and lengthy CSS styles and templates.Easy to deploy, the modal can also be enhanced with CSS3 transitions,...

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Antiscroll allows developers to hide the default browser scroll bars and use graphics that resemble the ones seen in the Mac OS X Lion OS.The plugin natively supports all input scrolling methods, from mouse wheels, dragging, trackpads, and many other...

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