
mountable.js 1.0.0

mountable.js (or MounTable) will simplify the process of displaying JSON data inside an HTML page.The plugin reads a predefined table structure and then looks for special markers inside the JSON file, exporting its content in the appropriate table columns...


uiblock.js 1.0.0

uiblock.js is a very simple jQuery plugin that can be used to bring things to the user's attention by dimming out the page with a black overlay and showing a modal window in the center.Content can be shown inside this popup, which can easily be dismissed...

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makefixed.js 1.0.0

makefixed.js allows programmers to determine which elements on the page will remain visible no matter what's the scroll bar's position.These elements will automatically get pinned to the top of the browser window as the user scrolls down, returning to...

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fastuts.js 1.0.0

fastuts.js works by dimming out the page and highlighting only a specific section of the page.A tooltip is shown next to this highlighted section, inside which descriptive text and images can be shown, giving a small presentation about that item's feature...