
Decss 1.0

Decss is an ideal tool for people that have to make and deliver business or office presentations.Instead of working with proprietary software, Decss provides the ability to create the same presentation, but with HTML, CSS, and JS instead.Most of the...

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Twitter-specific text refers to common known Twitter jargon like @mentions, #hashtags and lists.The library provides autolinking and extraction for URLs, usernames, lists, hashtags, tweet validation and search term highlighting.Ported from Twitter...

Default CSS Smart Grid width on a normal desktop is 960px.Depending on the device used to access the page, CSS Smart Grid rearranges and resizes the content on a page to fit the maximum width the device is capable of displaying.This means the website will...

admin_bootstrap Django admin templates that are compatible with Twitter Bootstrap version 2.Usage1. Clone the repository into your Django project.2. Add the path to 'admin_bootstrap/templates' to your TEMPLATE_DIRS setting.3. Add 'admin_bootstrap' to your...

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