django-push offers PubSubHubbub support for Django.UsageThe documentation is at * The project is on github: * To setup a development environment,...

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Miredo 1.0.6 / 1.1.7 / 1.2.4

Miredo is an Unix daemon program which implements the Teredo: Tunneling IPv6 over UDP through NATs Internet draft specification, originally developed by R�mi Denis-Courmont. It can serve either as :- a Teredo client (as Microsoft Windows XP SP2),- a...

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django-floppyforms is a Django app that provides full control of form rendering in the templates.Installation * pip install * Add floppyforms to your INSTALLED_APPSFor extensive...

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dk.brics.automaton project is a Java package that contains a DFA/NFA (finite-state automata) implementation with Unicode alphabet (UTF16) and support for the standard regular expression operations (concatenation, union, Kleene star).In contrast to many...

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mail2sh 1.4-3

Mail2sh is a tool for send shell command by email with a simple module and to avoid you to know how procmail and sendmail works. Mail2sh makes it possible to carry out shell commands by email. Email is sent to a particular user on your host and the...

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quagga 0.99.20

Quagga is a routing software suite, providing implementations of OSPFv2, RIP v1 and v2, RIPv3 and BGPv4, OSPFv3 for Unix platforms, particularly FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris and NetBSD. Quagga is a fork of GNU Zebra which was developed by Kunihiro Ishiguro....

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butt 0.1.12

butt stands for broadcast using this tool and is a Linux tool that grabs audio data from your sound card (line-in, CD, wave, etc.), encodes the PCM data into MP3, and sends it to a streaming server (only Shoutcast is currently supported).Streaming:You can...

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jack_oscrolloscope is a simple waveform viewer for JACK. The waveform is displayed in realtime, so you can always see the signal the instant it comes through JACK's input port.This project is released unter the GNU General Public License.Installation:In...

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takatuka 0.1

This software tends to sense motion and warn the given person via email. A captured picture from the scene is also attached to e-mail.Translate into your language

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ZUPS 1.3

ZUPS allows for monitoring the state of one or more UPS devices using SNMP and executing user-specified commands in case of power outage, such as email notifications and controlled remote host shutdowns.If the UPS devices are running on battery, the...