Pisi Linux KDE

Pisi Linux KDE 1.2 / 2.0 Alpha 7 updated

Pisi Linux is an open source Linux operating system built around the KDE desktop environment and based on the Pardus Linux distribution. The system is virus-free and the installation process takes about 30 minutes. Distributed as a 64-bit Live DVD It is...

Pisi Linux Xfce

Pisi Linux Xfce 1.2 updated

Pisi Linux Xfce is a special edition of the Pisi Linux operating system built around the lightweight, customizable and fast Xfce desktop environment. The distribution is based on the Pardus Linux OS and uses the PiSi package management system for...

As its name suggests, Pisi Linux Minimal is a special edition of the Pisi Linux distribution that contains a minimal computing environment with command-line applications. Pisi Linux is a Linux kernel-based operating system derived from Pardus Linux and...

Pisi Linux LXDE is an open source and completely free operating system, a special edition of the Pardus-based Pisi Linux distribution built around LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment). It features the PiSi package management system and several...