Sabayon Linux GNOME

Sabayon Linux GNOME 18.05 updated

Sabayon Linux GNOME is an open source Linux distribution based on the Gentoo Linux operating system and built around the powerful GNOME desktop environment. The Sabayon project also provides separate editions with the KDE, Xfce and Openbox desktop...

Sabayon Linux KDE

Sabayon Linux KDE 18.05 updated

Sabayon Linux KDE is a free and open source Linux distribution based on the Gentoo Linux operating system and built on a bleeding-edge, yet stable and reliable KDE desktop environment. Separate GNOME, Xfce, Openbox (Minimal) and SpinBase editions of...

Kwort Linux

Kwort Linux 4.3.3 updated

Kwort Linux is an open source, free and stable distribution of Linux derived from the well known Slackware Linux operating system and built around the lightweight Xfce desktop environment, all in order to run perfectly on low-end machines or computers...


LXLE 16.04.4 updated

LXLE (Lubuntu Extra Life Extension) is an open source operating system based on the Lubuntu Linux distribution and using LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) as its main graphical desktop environment. Based only on LTS (Long Term Support) releases...

Proxmox VE (Virtual Environment) or PVE for short is a freely distributed Linux-based operating system based on Debian GNU/Linux and engineered to by deployed as an open source virtualization computing environment for running virtual machines and virtual...

CruxEX Linux Live CD/USB

CruxEX Linux Live CD/USB 3.4 Build 180520 updated

CruxEX is an open source Linux distribution based on the well known CRUX operating system and designed to be used on computers that lack CD-ROM drives. It is built around the lightweight LXDE desktop environment and comes with out-of-the-box support for...

Pinguy OS

Pinguy OS 14.04.5 LTS / 18.04 LTS RC updated

Pinguy OS is an open source Linux distribution that provides users with an out-of-the-box computing experience. It is based on Canonical's Ubuntu Linux operating system and powered by the GNOME desktop environment. The distribution’s main goal...

SparkyLinux LXDE

SparkyLinux LXDE 4.8.1 updated

SparkyLinux LXDE is an open source Linux distribution built around the LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) and based on the stable branch of the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. The project provides users with a fast, stable and...

SparkyLinux Xfce

SparkyLinux Xfce 4.7 / 5.3 Rolling updated

SparkyLinux Xfce is a custom edition of the well known SparkyLinux distribution, based on the stable branch of Debian/GNU Linux and built around the lightweight Xfce desktop environment. Other flavors of SparkyLinux include the E17 (Enlightenment), MATE,...

SparkyLinux MATE

SparkyLinux MATE 4.5.2 / 5.3 Rolling updated

SparkyLinux MATE is an open source Linux distribution built around the MATE desktop environment and based on the stable branch of Debian GNU/Linux. It provides users with a very fast, simple and traditional computing environment. The SparkyLinux operating...