The 'data-' attribute has only recently made it to the forefront of Web development through the HTML5 Web standard.The 'data-' attribute is an arbitrary value that can be added to any HTML element for adding extra information about it.The 'Data Filter'...

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The jQuery Longclick Event plugin lets developers implement a function often used on mobile and touch-friendly devices.This plugin lets developers add a special click event, different from the normal click event, where a special JS function can be...

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A URL slug is a browser-friendly text, usually found in Internet links.The stringToSlug plugin parses a text string, removes all non alpha-numeric characters and replaces the spaces with a line ( - ). Uppercase letters are also converted to lowercase.This...

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jQuery Expire uses a date and time value to set the expiration date, not timers.The plugin can work with the client's local time or with a remote atomic clock when needed.Support for timezones is also included, just in case you have to use the plugin on...

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There are plenty of more complex jQuery image slideshow tools than jQuery Circular.This plugin simply strips down any non-essential features from the carousel, leaving only what's necessary for a bare-bones structure.Features:cursor-pointer"...

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Metro JS

Metro JS 0.9.77

Metro JS helps developers create GUIs that look like the Metro (now known as Modern UI) interface for Windows 8.Metro JS is great for developers building OS-like Web interfaces, especially those wanting to replicate Windows' latest look.At its core Metro...

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isInViewport.js 2.2.3 updated

isInViewport.js supports upper and lower margin tolerances, for adding extra padding to an element's area.The plugin is not very useful on its own outside debug operations, but it can be integrated with more powerful scripts with ease.A demo is included...

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Offscreen.js works by detecting if an element is to the right or left side of a screen.If so, and if the element is in danger of going outside the screen, the plugin adds a special class (if left or right) to the element.These classes can then be used to...

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Tiler.JS 0.2.4

Can be used in displaying content as tiles on an infinite grid.This means as the user scrolls the grid in any direction, new content will be added on the fly.A developer can configure settings like tile size, margins, refresh mechanisms and more.A demo is...

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