
AngularJS 2.1.0 / 1.5.8 updated

AngularJS uses an unique coding philosophy to properly arrange and structure a Web application, making easier to control and customize, just by JavaScript, without no complex server-side interactions. AngularJS improves dynamics and views management in a...

Google Web Toolkit

Google Web Toolkit 2.7.0 / 2.8.0 Beta1 updated

Writing dynamic Web applications today is a tedious and error-prone process. Developers spends most of their time working around subtle incompatibilities between Web browsers and various platforms, while JavaScript's lack of modularity makes sharing,...

Web Starter Kit

Web Starter Kit 0.6.2 updated

Web Starter Kit will help new or experienced developers take a better approach and closely follow coding and content presentation standards in their projects by providing them with a ready-made project structure put together by Google's own team. This...


FOAM 0.3.1

FOAM stands for Feature-Oriented Active Modeller. It is a generic, full-stack, reactive, meta-programming framework written in JavaScript.The framework can be used in building DSLs, which in turn intermediate the process of generating text, JS, and HTML...