
Kalypto 0.2.2

Kalypto allows developers to use CSS when applying custom styles to radio buttons and checkboxes.Under the hood it relies on the form masking technique, swapping default elements with the user's choices.A demo is included with the download package.What is...


Fit.js 0.1.0

Fit.js is a dynamic system for resizing and fitting data inside specified containers.There are plenty of similar scripts that do this, in many programming languages, but most of them work solely with images.Fit.js supports any type of HTML element, from...


Horton 0.2.0

Horton takes large HTML tables and adds support for mobile and table devices.Horton works by unimportant columns in the rows themselves.This way it still keep visible only relevant, important columns, while providing access to the rest of the column data...


HeapBox 0.9.4

HeapBox deals only with drop-down select lists only and does not cater to any other form elements. For these, scripts like iCheck or Uniform are recommended.A demo is included with the download package.Features:AJAX friendly Themes Callbacks Animation...