jQuery simplepicker (or simplePicker) is a jQuery widget that appears in the form of a popup calendar whenever users focus their cursor inside special form fields that require the user to enter a date.The component lets them easily select the date they...

Stackless Python

Stackless Python 3.4.2 / 3.3.6 / 3.2.5 / 3.1.3 / 2.7.9 / 2.6.5

Stackless Python is basically a Python interpreter that reduces the use of the C stack.It allows usage of programming threads, but without all the hassle and negative parts.Stackless Python can be used instead of regular Python, the syntax and all Python...


Rocketbin 0.2.0

Rocketbin is a simple way of adding code snippets or raw text inside a textbox and saving it on a server somewhere online.The concept is not simple and it mimics the services provided by the Pastebin website.Rocketbin works practically the same way, only...


Behave.js 1.5

Behave.js transforms a bland textarea into a fully-working IDE, rendering it capable of recognizing code input, and adding special formatting as the user types.Textareas are universally considered dumb text zones because there's very little formatting...

Create.js is a library for Content Management Systems that lets their users edit content right on the page they're currently on. ContentBlocks allows Create.js to work with Node.js-generated websites and Node.js backends.Just like the original project,...


NoShi 1.0.0

NoShi is not quite a CMS, since there's no visual interface to let users manage their site's content, but using local desktop-based text editors, any website owner can customize the content of their site whenever they want.NoShi is not quite a full-on...


Teiid 8.9.1 / 8.10 CR2

Written in Java, Teiid is made of tools, components and services for creating and executing bi-directional data services.Through abstraction and federation, data is accessed and integrated in real-time across distributed data sources without copying or...


Presto 0.95

Presto is yet another of Facebook's custom database engines, which the company has been actively using for its products and yet decided to release it as an open source product nevertheless.Presto works on multiple servers at once, being a system you...