
checkedUI 1.0.0

checkedUI was created to simplify the process of adding custom styles to checkbox elements and radio buttons.But instead of letting developers use their own custom graphics, this plugin uses jQuery UI icons.Why you might ask? Because the default jQueryUI...


Fluqi 1.11.0

Fluqi merges the power of C# with the ready-made components provided by the jQuery UI framework. It simplifies the process of integrating these widgets in .NET environments and allows developers easy access without having to manually alter widgets and...

minAjax.js simplifies the process of adding AJAX interactions to your site.The library supports callback functions after the data has been submitted.It also comes with support for a debug mode, and switching between async and non-async modes.A demo and...

blinkTitle.js was created as a mechanism to draw the user's attention to your page's tab.This can be done by flashing between two sets of page titles, showing one and then the other.These titles can be made to blink indefinitely (which is quite annoying)...


SqlFuncProc 0.0.1

SqlFuncProc can simplify the task of prototyping and previewing a database's data.It works by executing desired stored procedures, fetching the results, and then pretty-printing them on the page using a stylized HTML table.Besides classic SQL stored...

Contenticious works from any operating system that can run Perl and provide access to a terminal.Previously from building the site with simple commands in the CLI, the site editors need to place their content inside Markdown files.When compiling,...


Behat 3.0.15

BDD stands for "Behavior Driven Development" and is an agile software development technique.Unlike TDD where developers write code and tests, BDD requires them to write the tests first, and then the code to satisfy the desired conditions and criteria.This...

InputItemizer.js lets the user write his text, automatically highlighting each term after a certain separator is added to the input.By highlighting and converting the text to tags, the items can easily be identified at any later point, or removed by...


Translator 0.0.2

Translator uses a simple system to allow users to switch a website's text from one language to another.With Translator installed, webmasters will be able to support basic i18n features with their projects, localizing the site's content to different...

jQuery simplepicker (or simplePicker) is a jQuery widget that appears in the form of a popup calendar whenever users focus their cursor inside special form fields that require the user to enter a date.The component lets them easily select the date they...