
Gantry 5.2.14 updated

It is a comprehensive set of building blocks to enable the rapid development and realization of a design into a flexible and powerful web platform theme for Joomla or WordPress. Gantry also provides full RTL (right-to-left) support for developing sites...


PHPUnit 5.3.2 updated

PHPUnit is considered a de-facto standard for unit testing PHP code. The framework returns results in an easy readable format. They (the results) are properly formatted for quick analysis and easy navigation.What is new in this release:New PHAR release...


soma.js 2.1.4 updated

Soma.js was ported from the Soma ActionScript MVC framework. It allows developers to write loosely-coupled applications to increase scalability and maintainability. Soma.js provides tools to make the three parts (MVC) talk to each other, keeping the view...


EPub updated

EPUB is used for Apple iPad and other ebook readers. Many EPUB metadata details like author, publisher, comments, etc., can be customized on the fly. Chapter data is also configurable. After the eBook has been assembled, it is served as a downloadable...

Apache NiFi

Apache NiFi 0.6.0 updated

Apache NiFi was created for distributed computing systems where data is processed on multiple servers before being sent to the user or to a storage container. While this might seem as a very complicated and time-consuming task, NiFi comes with a Web-based...

jQuery EasyUI

jQuery EasyUI 1.4.5 updated

Different components can be built using the techniques in this framework. Can be used for administration dashboard, Web-based apps, CMSs, or just for just one or two separate components.What is new in this release:Bugs: treegrid: The column will restore...


Dillinger 3.2.8 updated

Dillinger is not just a WYSIWYG rich text editor, it's a complete text editing solution that can run on the Web.It's setup is simple, coming with a writing panel on the left for Markdown syntax, and another panel on the right side where the text is...


PhoneGap 6.0.0+cordova.6.0.0 updated

It uses HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript to build cross-platform mobile apps. PhoneGap is a web platform that wraps around a bunch of native mobile device APIs and allows developers to build cross-device apps. Since 2011, PhoneGap development is handled by the...

HTML5 Bones

HTML5 Bones 1.6.5 updated

HTML5 Bones sets up a basic project structure on which developers can add their content.It was specifically designed around the new HTML 5 standard, but also comes with support for older browsers (via normalize.css and HTML5Shiv).HTML5 Bones' main role is...