jBPM 6.3.0 updated

Every business process is defined using an expressive language syntax and deployed along custom resources inside a process archive file.jBPM offers tasks to users, runs the automated actions and maintains the state and audit log.In essence jBPM takes...


Tattletale 1.1.2.Final / 1.2.0.Beta2

Tattletale scans all the directories recursively for JAR files and then build the reports as HTML files.The main HTML file is: index.html.Features:nothing foundWhat is new in this release:Fixed bugs: Windows absolute path names in source...

JBoss AS not only delivers the performance and reliability expected from an industrial strength application platform, it enables customers to scale technically and economically as well. With its revolutionary service-oriented architecture (SOA), JBoss AS...

JBoss Web

JBoss Web 2.1.9.GA / 3.0.0.Beta2

JBoss Web Server provides organizations with a single deployment platform for Java Server Pages JSP) for PHP, Java Servlet technologies and CGI.It uses a genuine high performance hybrid technology that incorporates the best of the most recent OS...


ModeShape 4.3.0.Final updated

ModeShape was previously known as JBoss DNA.ModeShape is an implementation of the JCR 2.0 standard.When ModeShape is implemented, it behaves like a regular JCR repository.What is new in this release:ModeShape uses Infinispan for all caching and storage,...

JBoss Remoting

JBoss Remoting 2.5.4.SP5 / 3.1.0.Beta2

Various modes of interaction, including invocations, one way messaging, and asynchronous callbacks are supported.There are two generations of Remoting in active use.Remoting 2 is currently used in various versions of JBoss Application Server 4 and 5, as...


RichFaces 4.5.5 updated

Besides UI components, the platform also includes advanced support and documentation for the app skinnability and JSF applications.RichFaces is practically one of the best AJAX UI packages that exist in the Java world.What is new in this release:JSF 2.2...

JBoss Tools

JBoss Tools 4.2.3 / 4.3.0 Alpha2 updated

It supports JBoss tools like Seam, Hibernate, JBoss AS, Drools, jBPM, JSF, (X)HTML, Smooks, JBoss ESB, JBoss Portal, etc.Installation:Get Eclipse 3.3.2 and Web Tools 2.0.2. Download the JBoss Tools package. Unzip the file(s) directly into your...


mod_cluster 1.3.1 updated

Like mod_jk and mod_proxy, mod_cluster uses a communication channel to forward requests from httpd to one of a set of application server nodes.Unlike mod_jk and mod_proxy, mod_cluster leverages an additional connection between the application server...


RESTEasy 3.0.9

It can run in any Servlet container.While JAX-RS is only a server-side specification, RESTEasy has innovated to bring JAX-RS to the client through the RESTEasy JAX-RS Client Framework.This client-side framework allows to map outgoing HTTP requests to...