MB Draconic Astrology displays the natal chart with the planets in their Draconian position. This shows the role the planets play in accomplishing the soul's purpose in life. The natal chart and the Draconian zodiac together can predict how this purpose...


RUCalc 1.1

RUCalc, is a free programmable calculator for Windows. It includes all basic mathematical functions, +Tax and -Tax for adding and subtracting tax from your figures at the click of a button or the press of a key, status bar for displaying additional...

DIN calculator is a free tool to estimate you ski binding settings. The DIN scale is used to ensure that ski bindings release under the same force at all skiing destinations worldwide. Given your weight, height, age, ski experience level and sole boot...

Micro-Sys Corner is a program to calculate odd corners made from sheet materials like aluminium, steel, or glass. It could be the corners of aluminium or steel facades - or perhaps strangely shaped...