
CalcPlus 1.6.5

Expression Calculator, it is a convenient calculator to use, you can input mathematic formula like 2.5 + 1.6 * 6, then press button [OK], then the result will be display, mainly mathematic function such as sin, cos, log and exponent are supported. It...

No more tiny buttons and narrow displays, from now on with Day Maxi Calc you can comfortably make your calculations, and even save and stamp your results, while sitting up to 3 metres away from your PC, using a wireless keyboard. Super-sized calculator,...

DIN calculator is a free tool to estimate you ski binding settings. The DIN scale is used to ensure that ski bindings release under the same force at all skiing destinations worldwide. Given your weight, height, age, ski experience level and sole boot...


Equalizer 1.77

Free and Easy-to-Use Offline Desktop Calculator. A fast convenient and simple offline desktop calculator for beginners., Several modification options include a choice of skins and window sizes.,. The latest version seems to have been released as far back...

MB Draconic Astrology displays the natal chart with the planets in their Draconian position. This shows the role the planets play in accomplishing the soul's purpose in life. The natal chart and the Draconian zodiac together can predict how this purpose...

MB I-Ching Compatibility Software is just the right tool for you if you want to check compatibility between partners according to the I Ching principles. This wonderful tool applies the I Ching compatibility principles and does a I-Ching compatibility...

MB Lunar Parallax is an astrology calculator that does free lunar parallax calculations and lets you know the lunar parallax at the time of your birth. Lunar parallax or the altered positions of the moon help in finding the exact lunar position that is...

MB Numerology Divination is a numerology based oracle that gives you a reading based on the number patterns of the dice. The final result takes into consideration the dice cast for the past, present and future. MB Numerology Divination is free tool for...

Micro-Sys Corner is a program to calculate odd corners made from sheet materials like aluminium, steel, or glass. It could be the corners of aluminium or steel facades - or perhaps strangely shaped...