PhotoSmash Galleries

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PhotoSmash Galleries
Software Details:
Version: 1.0.7
Upload Date: 5 Jun 15
Developer: Byron Bennett
Distribution Type: Freeware
Downloads: 26

Rating: nan/5 (Total Votes: 0)

The users can contribute to these galleries by uploading images.


Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.


  • AJAX photo uploads
  • Control who can upload images: admin only, authors & contributors (and higher), or registered users and higher
  • Moderate images uploaded by registered users (Admins and authors are automatically approved)
  • Receive email alerts for new images that need to be moderated
  • Options page for setting general defaults or specific gallery settings
  • Auto-adding of photo galleries
  • Multiple galleries per post, added using a simple tag system
  • Integrates with popular image viewing systems like Lightbox and Shadowbox
  • Tweak appearance through the included css file

What is new in this release:

  • Removed an extra /DIV that was causing problems with the absolutely positions footer in Admin > Photo Manager.

What is new in version 1.0.2:

  • Fix alternate titles for new posts - the Alternate Layout was not working for the Title when creating a new Post.

What is new in version 1.0.1:

  • Plugin retired.

What is new in version 0.9.02:

  • iPhone/Mobile API completed
  • Added ability to turn off ‘Toggle Ratings' link
  • Added [gallery_description] to Gallery Settings and Custom Layouts
  • Added ability to turn off Pagination in Widgets

What is new in version 0.9.00:

  • Added ability to run a Shortcode in Text Inserts (PhotoSmash Extend) - here is an example of running the photosmash shortcode as a text insert: [shortcode text='photosmash id=2 no_gallery=true form=std'] That will essentially show the PhotoSmash upload form as the insert, uploading to gallery 2.
  • Fixed display of checkbox custom fields values in Photo Manager. Will no properly show as checked or unchecked.
  • Fixed some logic in the displaying of PhotoSmash Extend Ad Inserts - there was a logic problem in bwbps-layout.php.
  • Added ability to limit # images a user can upload - go to Gallery Settings, Edit your desired gallery, then go to the Uploading tab to set the Maximum number of images you want a user to be able to upload to the gallery (set to 0 for unlimited uploads by user), and set the time frame that the restriction applies to: forever (ie. the user can only upload the max # images ever), per hour (ie. they can upload X number of images per hour), per day, and per week. Note that these times are calculated by taking the number of hours specified and subtracting from the current time - so this means that max per day is really max per 24 hours, and max per week is really max per any given 168 hours regardless of the calendar.
  • Google Map integration - show a google map of images in a gallery that have latitude and longitude specified. To turn on a map, add this to your shortcode: gmap='map_id'. The 'map_id' will be the ID of the DIV that you want to contain your map. It will also become the Map's Javascript ID, so you can do other things in Javascript with the ID, basically anything allowed by the Google Maps API V3. This uses the Google Maps API V3, so you don't need an API key. If you are using another plugin that already loads that API, you can tell PhotoSmash to skip loading it by adding to the shortcode: gmap_skip_api=true. You can manually place the DIV to hold the map (be sure to give it the same id as specified in your shortcode). You can place the div in your page or post with this shortcode (remove the space after the "["): [ photosmash_gmap id='map_id']. I'll have to do a tutorial on map integration since there are more features than can be explained here. But this is enough to get you started. Note: the most basic way to get a map going is to just say: [ photosmash gmap='true'] This will automatically add the map after your gallery. Also, note that in PhotoSmash Settings, a new tab (Maps) has been added that will let you set a layout for the marker popup infowindows in your map, as well as set the size of your maps.
  • Fixed a Multi-Site problem for tag galleries - in bwbps-layout.php, the table 'wp_term_taxonomy' had been hardcoded into the SQL statement. This is now dynamic, and will handle MU sites properly.
  • Added the ability to change the wording in the Gallery viewer page - add before_gallery='My Gallery Viewer Wording' to your shortcode.

What is new in version 0.8.03:

  • Added '[delete_button]' to custom layouts - this gives you the ability to present your users with a delete button on the images they uploaded. You'll need to add this to the custom layouts (there's a tutorial on custom layouts if interested).
  • Fixed importing image - was using 2nd image multiple times when multiple images were imported. Was working earlier, but something along the way broke this.
  • Fixed custom layouts use of the # of images per row for tables - this was broken during the last big overhaul which removed certain code to make it faster.
  • Added image_id to [ photosmash] shortcode - while this has long been possible using the [ psmash] shortcode. Using it in the photosmash shortcode allows you to display a single image with all the benefits of a full gallery, including star ratings and favorites.
  • Added Post-Author Uploads as a Gallery type - this gallery type allows you to set up galleries that only allow the Author of the Page/Post on which it is displayed to upload images to it. This is probably most useful when allowing users to create new posts on uploads with PhotoSmash Extend, but can be used without Extend. The only requirement is that the user you want to upload to the gallery has to be the Author of the WP page/post.

What is new in version 0.8.01:

  • Fixed Sorting and Pagination - the changes in the last release caused sort order to behave incorrectly and caused the gallery to prefer the Images/Page set in Gallery Settings over the # of Images set in shortcodes when limiting the number of images returned in the query.

What is new in version 0.8.00:

  • Note: this is a big release with a number of significant changes to the core code. It is impossible to test all use cases (as we've see from the new releases of WordPress itself, though the WP 3.0 release seems to have been very clean), so if you have specialized use cases, you should test them in a development system before moving this to your production system.
  • Added search post name field in Image Importer (admin) - allows you to limit the images fetched by searching on post name (partial words are ok). This is in the Import Photos page.
  • Text Inserts for PhotoSmash Extend now Add to the number of images being displayed on a page - previous behavior was to only show the number of images selected in the images per page setting in Gallery Settings. But due to the use of LIMIT in the images retrieval query, it is impossible to know what the limits should be since the inserts are not known in the Layout loop. You should Adjust your Gallery Settings to account for text inserts that you have in your galleries, if you have a strong requirement for a specific number of images on the page. So, if you need 25 images and you have 3 inserts set, you should set the images per page in Gallery Settings to 22 (since 3 additional spots will be added by the Text Inserts module).
  • Fixed an issue with inserting a rating - the 'comment' field is NOT NULL in the database, and it wasn't being inserted, so some MySQL setups were failing to insert. The NOT NULL has been removed, so it should update to allow nulls.
  • OPTIMIZATION - Implemented get_children() to cache Attachments when using get_attachment_link() - when linking to the Attachment pages, the get_attachment_link() WP function was executing 2 SQL queries on the database for each image just to calculate the permalink. So, if you were displaying 50 images, you would have 100 additional queries. Using get_children() can incur 1-2 more queries that cache all of the attachment pages (only the ones in the page's result set...see the paging change below for more info), but it's not 100
  • OPTIMIZATION - Various query reduction measures - now caching the Custom Field information in get_option(), several other query optimizations.
  • OPTIMIZATION - Switched Paging to return only rows for current page - we began noticing that sites with lots of images in a single gallery were using a lot of memory. Turns out it was because of lazy paging...i.e. the entire result set was being returned (thousands of images in some cases), when only 20 or so were needed. The downside is that an extra query has been added to count the total result set for paging purposes. My reading on MySql was that running a straight select (on a single column in this case, so memory doesn't take too big of a hit) was faster than doing a Count( DISTINCT() ). If someone can help optimize this, I'm all ears.
  • Added sort_field, sort_order to shortcode - you can now specify a sort_field ( sequence, user, user_name, user_login, rank, favorites ) in the shortcode by adding: sort_field='rank'. You can also specify the order by adding: sort_order='asc' or 'desc'. These are also available in the $_REQUEST variable (for you techies), but you'll need to add the gallery ID to your $_GET or $_POST (because you can have multiple galleries on a page): sort_field22=rank&sort_order22=desc . The shortcode portion should work fine with paging, but the $_REQUEST method may have weird results on paging...I haven't tried it yet.
  • Added ability to display galleries as standard WordPress Galleries - as long as you've got both options under PhotoSmash Settings / Uploading (tab) / "Use WordPress Upload process" turned on, you have always been able to display your PhotoSmash images using the standard WordPress [ gallery] (sans the space) shortcode. There are some other galleries that might co-opt this shortcode and cause this to fail if you're running them on the same blog (I think NextGEN uses that same shortcode, so it might not play nice). Now you can have PhotoSmash display galleries using the WP gallery out of the box. Here's more info:
  • OPTIMIZATION - Separated Gallery Functions to new Class - this was a big change, so please keep your eyes pealed for gotchas. The code is now more efficient and more compact.
  • Added 'name' attribute to Shortcode - this allows you to call a Gallery by name instead of by ID. It will create a new Gallery with the name if it doesn't exist. So you can now easily create multiple galleries in a Post/Page by adding shortcodes like: [ photosmash name='fun pics'] and [ photosmash name='funny pics']
  • Added sort by file_name (shortcode sorting only) - by request!
  • Added sort by Caption (shortcode sorting only) - probably won't get much use, but good for testing!
  • Added sort by Favorites Count (shortcode or dropdown in Settings) - makes the Most Favorited gallery work much better
  • Added various filters and actions - making it easier for other plugins to interact. Filters: bwbps_add_photo_link (passes the 'Add Photo' html for filtering); bwbps_empty_gallery (passes the empty gallery html); bwbps_image (passes the image html block after it is processed). Actions: bwbps_save_new_image (passes the image object immediately after image is added to database)
  • OPTIMIZATION - Moved Admin Javascript to bwbps-admin.js - reduced the size of the javascript file that gets loaded to your visitors on the front end by 20KB. The Admin JS is now only being loaded on the Admin pages.

What is new in version 0.7.03:

  • Fixed Encoding in Photo Manager - for caption and custom fields. Was using htmlentities(). Switched to esc_attr(). Fixed problem with non-English alphabets
  • Fixed Gallery DropDowns in Photo Manager - was not showing galleries with NULL gallery types
  • Changed Sort Order alogrithms for Ratings - for Vote up/Vote down, changed to average. For Vote up, changed to straight number of votes. Stars still use Bayesian ordering


  • WordPress 2.8 or higher



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