
Software Screenshot:
Software Details:
Version: 65.0 updated
Upload Date: 4 May 20
Developer: Bohemian Coding
Distribution Type: Shareware
Price: 99.99 $
Downloads: 90
Size: 54800 Kb

Rating: 3.8/5 (Total Votes: 4)

The most important part of any drawing application is arguably the drawing area, so we've just made Sketch contain one big and infinitely large view with no palettes to be seen. That doesn't mean we've compromised on the tools though. Sketch is a true vector editing application and has many powerful tools to manipulate those vectors. Sketch has boolean operations that fully preserve your carefully constructed vectors down the individual curves. For optimal flexibility we have something unique; dynamic boolean on groups of vectors. But there is more; Sketch has distortion tools as well as transformations, scissors and your truly innovative Smart Rotate which makes consecutive rotations truly easy and intuitive. The vector tool itself is intuitive and easy to use and our pen tool is an excellent starting point that produces really smooth curves.

What is new in this release:

  • We've also updated our iOS app "Mirror" with support for the new prototyping scroll effect behaviour, along with compatibility improvements for iOS 13 and a few bug fixes. You can get the update from the App Store.
  • Previously we capped the number of Cloud projects in the sidebar of the Documents window at 20, but that felt a little limiting. Now, there's no limit at all, so you'll see all of your projects right where you need them.
  • We've added a new option to the export settings for groups to Trim Transparent Pixels. When it's enabled, any transparent pixels around the layers in your group won't show in any exported asset.
  • We're doing some Spring cleaning and tidying up our code, so creating Symbols and working with them should feel a little faster now.

What is new in version 52.3:

  • Improved the appearance of various icons and controls in the Inspector for non-Retina displays as well as for those using the Graphite macOS highlight appearance
  • Fixed a bug where the link for a shared document in Sketch Cloud could change unexpectedly when updating the document
  • Fixed a bug where disabling a Data plugin would disable all other Data plugins
  • Fixed a bug where filtered objects in the Layer List couldn't all be selected at once
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when inserting a Library component containing an invalid Style override
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when resizing Artboards
  • Fixed a bug where masks applied to bitmaps within Symbols wouldn't resize as expected when instances of such Symbols were resized
  • Fixed a bug where Smart Guides wouldn't show as expected along Artboard edges while moving layers within a rotated group
  • Fixed a bug where the Zoom In/Out controls in the toolbar wouldn't show the expected pressed state in Dark Mode
  • Fixed a bug where applied overrides would be unexpectedly indented if the text within the Symbol master used list styling
  • Fixed a bug where certain documents containing recursive Symbols couldn't be opened
  • Fixed a bug where Layouts in the Canvas wouldn't be infinitely tall
  • Fixed a bug where the stepper controls for border widths wouldn't be selectable in some cases
  • Fixed a bug where a new page would be inserted when pasting objects copied from other apps
  • Fixed a bug where the Size and Position fields in the Inspector wouldn't update while editing values within the Scale sheet

What is new in version 51.2:

  • Fixed a crash that could occur while performing Undo action in macOS Mojave beta
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when expanding the Typeface menu
  • Fixed a bug where selection handles would not be temporarily hidden when editing Corner Radius
  • Fixed a bug where drawing a shape would not respect the pixel-fitting preferences in some cases
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent the Typeface menu to open for some fonts

What is new in version 49.0:

  • Improved performance when copying and pasting large Artboards
  • Improved EPS import when using spot colors
  • Gradient points can now be inserted in the color picker with a single click, rather than a double-click
  • Layers dragged from the Layer List to the Canvas are now copied rather than inserting a bitmap layer
  • Unused Symbols imported from Libraries are now cleared when saving a document
  • Updated the look of the Text and Layer Styles in the Inspector
  • SketchTool will now wait for a plugin to finish running before printing its result
  • Introduced a new version of the scripting API that is cleaner and easier to use
  • The plugin API has been extended with support for Symbols
  • The preference to show the selected Artboard in Sketch Mirror has been moved to the iOS app
  • Slices can now be hidden from the Canvas via the View menu
  • Improved performance when moving and resizing layers
  • Improved SVG import when dealing with rotated and flipped elements
  • Improved the way that newly created Symbols are added to the "Symbols" page
  • Improved the performance of Symbol thumbnails in menus
  • Improved performance when working with Symbols in complex documents
  • Improved Replace With menus for nested Symbols to avoid them being replaceable by Symbols which contain them
  • You can now choose to send a Symbol master to the "Symbols" page on Control-click
  • Improved layout and descriptions for bitmap export options in the Save panel
  • When vector editing, you can bend a path segment by holding the Command key and dragging to create or adjust curves
  • Improved appearance of rounded corners in the vector editor by showing the outline of the original path
  • Improved snapping in the Vector tool when the Shift key is held for drawing straight lines
  • When using the Pen tool, a preview of new points will be displayed on hover
  • Added a new "Prototyping Tutorial" template
  • Added "Move to Top" option to the Arrange menu to send a selection to the very top of the Layer List
  • Improved performance when detecting missing fonts in a document
  • Arranging objects in a grid now respects their current position in the Canvas instead of reordering based on the Layer List
  • You can now opt-in to anonymous analytics tracking to help us improve Sketch
  • Copied CSS attributes now also include text alignment
  • Improved sorting of colors within the Find and Replace Color panel
  • Color properties have now been added to the Find, and Frequent Color menus
  • Improved the accuracy of inserting gradient stops on gradients
  • The Scissors tool now works with multiple selected shapes
  • Updated the iOS icon template with the missing Artboard size for the Spotlight icon
  • You can now choose to make PNGs interlaced on export

What is new in version 48.2:

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when clicking within the Inspector whilst editing gradients in the color popover
  • Fixed a bug where SVG masks weren't exported as expected for Symbols
  • Fixed a few bugs where copying and pasting Symbols imported from Libraries would recreate those Symbols locally within the document
  • Fixed a bug where the expected override value wouldn't be shown in the Inspector for deeply nested Symbols
  • Fixed a bug where Undo wouldn't work as expected whilst editing text
  • Fixed a bug where edited text within list formatted layers wouldn't use the expected color
  • Fixed a bug where a text layer's rotation value would be reset when changing its font size
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when text layers were modified by a plugin
  • Fixed a bug where Artboard names wouldn't be truncated when zooming out
  • Fixed a bug where the pixel grid appeared to be missing a line at certain zoom levels

What is new in version 47.0:


  • Improved performance for shadows in complex documents
  • Improved performance when editing nested Symbols
  • Improved appearance of nested Symbols, Text Styles, and Shared Styles so that they're no longer nested within superfluous submenus
  • The shortcut for inserting a new point mid-way between two existing points in the vector editor has changed from Command-click to Shift-click
  • The "iOS UI Design" document is now a built-in Library, updated for iOS 11 and iPhone X, and makes use of our new Smooth Corners feature
  • Individual layers can now be exported using the Command-E shortcut
  • Added Artboard presets for iPhone X and iPhone 8

What is new in version 46.2:

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when editing Symbols containing bitmap layers with image fills
  • Fixed a bug where editing a nested Symbol could clip the appearance of its parent Symbol instance
  • Fixed a bug where layers weren't repositioned as expected when adjacent Symbol instances changed size
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when switching the focus between a text layer and the Inspector on a Mac with Touch Bar support

What is new in version 46.1:

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when undoing changes to Symbols on OS X El Capitan
  • Fixed a bug where the Plugins menu might not be shown as expected
  • Fixed a bug where differently colored subranges of text would revert to a single color when the text layer was resized
  • Fixed a bug where vertical text alignment would be ignored when converting a text layer to outlines
  • Fixed a bug where resizing layers with particular attributes would cause Sketch to become unresponsive
  • Fixed a bug where the current Artboard wouldn't remain focused when unselecting layers within it
  • Improved consistency of the appearance of options within the Insert menu

What is new in version 44.1:

Bug Fixes

  • Improved performance when editing nested Symbols which had many other instances
  • Restored behaviour where Artboard exports will include any overlapping Artboards and layers
  • Fixed a bug where multiple selected layers couldn't be moved out of Artboards
  • Fixed a bug where pixel-fitting wouldn't work as expected when resizing Artboards and groups
  • Fixed a bug that could cause hidden nested Symbol overrides to be shown unexpectedly
  • Fixed a bug where the Undo menu item would show incorrect Undo action titles
  • Fixed a bug where some text layers would have unexpected resize rules applied
  • Fixed a bug where the selection indicator wouldn't update to show the selected font weight
  • Fixed a bug where text layers would wrap unexpectedly within resized Symbol instances

What is new in version 43.2:

Fixes the appearance of previews when using Mirror on devices with wide color displays which support P3 colors.
The list of available Symbol overrides are now sorted alphabetically.
Fixes a bug where the selection indicator for the current nested Symbol was missing.

What is new in version 3.8.3:

Fixes a crasher with complex Symbols, a security vulnerability in Mirror Web, and a bug where reordering pages could detach Symbols.

What is new in version 3.7.2:

A fix for bug when printing Artboards, and a bug fix relating to detaching Symbol instances.

What is new in version 3.6.1:

Fixes a zoom bug, a text editing crash and PDF import issue.

What is new in version 3.5.1:

Fixes a bug where PDF and EPS files copied from Illustrator would not import correctly

What is new in version 3.4.2:

- Fixes a rare bug where a pasted image could disappear
- Fixes network related beach-balling on some machines, caused by a change in the behaviour of Apple's security layer
- Fixes an occasional problem with validating licenses

What is new in version 3.3.2:

  • Fixes a bug where inner shadow would render incorrectly on bitmaps
  • Fixes a bug where text layer with small line height might cause refreshing issues
  • Fixes a bug where trying to zoom into a document past 6400% with the zoom tool would make the canvas jump in unexpected ways
  • Fixes a bug where measuring distance between layers on sub-pixels could give the wrong result
  • Fixes minor UI layout issues in the Inspector
  • Fixes a bug where creating a symbol wouldn't let you enter a name for it
  • Adds a new preference to avoid aligning layers on sub-pixels
  • Updated toolbar icon for 'Edit' to make it clearer that bitmaps can also be edited
  • You can now perform math operations on a text layer's Size, Character, Line and Paragraph input fields
  • Distance measurement no longer takes up cues from layers which are both hidden and locked

What is new in version 3.3.1:

Fixes issues relating to missing images and presets.

What is new in version 3.2.2:

Reduces memory usage when working with complex documents.

What is new in version 3.2:

  • New Google Material Design template and artboard sizes.
  • Adds support for Sketch-Mirror and @3x scaling.
  • Align and Distribute tools now work for Vector points too.
  • You can now measure the distance from a shape to a grid or guide line using the Alt key as well.
  • Alt + click on the Inspector's align buttons to align the entire selection with their parent artboard.
  • Added a new preference to choose the resolution to which bitmaps are flattened when doing Layer > Flatten Selection to Bitmap.
  • When rotating objects, the pivot point can now be moved.
  • Shift+Return now inserts a line break instead of a paragraph break in text editing mode.
  • Significant speed improvements, especially when working with complex documents, Make Grid for large grids and undo & redo actions.
  • Improves PDF importing.
  • When changing text line height, the first line no longer clips off the top.
  • Renamed the Paste option in contextual menus to "Paste Here", to make the functionality clearer.
  • Improved compatibility with Yosemite.
  • Multiple corner radii for rectangles can now be provided from the inspector field using to/left/bottom/right syntax.
  • When duplicating layers or groups with slices in them, Sketch will now make sure their names are uniqued.
  • You can now perform math operations in the color (RGB/HSB) text fields.
  • Improves 'Copy CSS Attributes' for cleaner and more modernised output.
  • Inserting slices now always places them directly in the correct group, and they take the name of their parent group automatically.
  • Pixel grid can now also be shown and hidden in vector preview.
  • When vector points are hidden, the currently selected point handles are still being shown.
  • Smart guides in vector tool now also work as expected when the vector points are hidden.
  • When changing a subrange of a text with a shared style, the entire string now changes to reflect it.
  • Double-click on the zoom icon in the toolbar now zooms back to 100%.
  • Alt-clicking on the Move Forward/Backward toolbar buttons moves to front or back instead, and now also updates their labels to indicate this.
  • Auto-expanding of groups in the layer list is now optional. Also, Sketch now persists the expanded/collapsed states of groups in the layer list between restarts.
  • Artboard preset group now remember their collapsed state.
  • Scale fields now disable properly when exporting in vector formats.
  • The Release Notes can now be shown from the Help menu as requested.
  • You can now hide all Grids and Layouts in one click from the View menu.
  • Fixes a layer renaming bug in the layer list with multiple selections.
  • Fixes a bug where 'Make Grid' could make objects jump.
  • Fixes a number of refresh issues in vector editing mode.
  • Fixes a bug where changing blurred objects radius could seem to make it jump around weirdly.
  • Fixes a rare bug where documents with embedded pdf images could crash.
  • Fixes a bug where the Insert-Artboard inspector wouldn't work as expected when a layer was already selected.
  • Fixes a bug where one couldn't grab the handles of rotated shapes in groups.
  • Fixes a bug where background blur on rotated objects would misbehave.
  • Fixes a bug where deleting large numbers of layers would become really slow.
  • Fixes a bug where editing points in zoom-blurred layer wouldn't refresh the canvas properly.
  • Fixes a crasher that could occur when closing complex documents.
  • Fixes a bug where a text layer with a stroke and shadow might not display the right fill color.
  • Fixes a bug where font ascenders could get cropped under a text layer.
  • Fixes a bug where big shadows on text layer could get clipped.
  • Fixes a bug where nudging a shape inside a smaller artboard would move it out.

What is new in version 3.1:

  • Sketch's file format has changed; documents are now truly single files and can be safely emailed or shared via Dropbox and other services without having to zip them up first
  • Creating Masks has been made easier; the Mask-with-Shape button now accepts any combination of layers
  • Boolean op'ed shapes' bounds now only include the visible area only, not the total bounds of all subpaths
  • Layer snapping has been made smarter, including better text snapping
  • You can now add ruler guides with a single-click on the rulers
  • Significant speed increases and file size reduction when using pattern fills
  • Hover the Rulers for a quick preview of your next guide. Ideal also for quickly checking if layers align etc
  • Fixes a bug where Opacity wouldn't be rendered consistently between shapes and bitmaps
  • Rendering speed improvements
  • Fixes a bug where text editing could jump slightly when zoomed in some cases
  • You can drag/drop layers to the pages panel to quickly move objects between pages
  • Fixes all known bugs in Framer - Sketch integration
  • Improves integration with the system color picker for gradients
  • Cmd+Return can now be used to exit text editing mode
  • You can now reset the rulers by double-clicking the ruler intersection area
  • Significant speed improvements when the rulers are visible
  • Improves undo for renaming layers
  • Fixes a bug where renaming Symbols could cause a crash
  • Fixes a bug where dragging out an SVG slice could crash Sketch
  • The Scissors Tool now scales properly with zoom value
  • Fixes a bug where Angular gradients could be rendered at low resolution
  • Fixes a bug where slices created for rotated objects could be one pixel off
  • Due to popular request (no it wasn't a bug), we're making move Forward/Backward dumb again
  • You can now replace the contents of an image layer with a new image by going to Layer > Image > Replace
  • Restore an image to its original size by going to Layer > Image > Original Size
  • Fixes a bug where some documents could consume extraordinary amounts of CPU
  • Fixes a bug where creating a slice for a transparent layer could make the slice too big
  • Fixes a bug where deleting an artboard could leave its outline on the canvas in some cases
  • Fixes an issue where Gradient editing was confusing when started on a subpath
  • Fixes a bug where 'Bring to Front' on multiple layers could get their order mixed up
  • Fixes a bug where extra spaces wouldn't get trimmed around slice names
  • Fixes a bug where moving layers off an artboard with the arrow keys would never actually remove them from the artboard
  • Fixes a bug where inserting an artboard while you were in a rotated group could look funky
  • Fixes a bug where pasted text could be invisible at first
  • When changing guides in the preferences, the canvas now updates live to reflect the change
  • Moves Grid color settings to the grid settings sheet to make it more discoverable
  • Fixes a bug in bitmap cropping
  • The templates folder can now be an alias or symlink
  • Fixes a bug where layer naming would go wrong
  • Vector point coordinates in the inspector now round to two decimals
  • Pages Panel has been redesigned and now fits as a permanent sidebar in the UI
  • When you resize an artboard from the top or the left, the content stays anchored in the canvas now instead of shifting left or up
  • Symbols and Text Styles menu can now be arbitrarily deeply nested by using / in their names
  • Fixes a bug where text layers wouldn't render multiple fills
  • Shift-clicking on a vector point now deselects it if it was already selected
  • View -> Collapse Groups has been renamed to include Artboards too
  • Fixes a bug where magic wand would miss the top 1 pixel
  • Flattening layers into a bitmap now inserts the bitmap at the location of the old layers instead of on top
  • Ignore character spacing for the last character to not miss with centred text
  • Fixes a bug where making a grid of objects could rename the source object as well

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