
Pybtex 0.16

Pybtex is a Python module that reads citation information from a file and produces a formatted bibliography. BibTeX style files are supported. Alternatively it is possible to write styles in Python.Synopsis latex foo.tex pybtex foo.aux latex foo.tex...

Apache XML-RPC is a Java implementation of XML-RPC, a popular protocol that uses XML over HTTP to implement remote procedure calls.Apache XML-RPC was previously known as Helma XML-RPC.If you have code using the Helma library, all you should have to do is...



XRNS-PHP application is a collection of tools for Renoise XRNS song modules, XRNI instruments, and clipboard data copied from within Renoise's window.The purpose of these tools is to offer functionality beyond that of Renoise itself. The tools can plugged...

LaTeX2Markdown is an AMS-LaTeX compatible converter from (a subset of) LaTeX to MathJaX compatible Markdown.Who should use this?Anyone who writes LaTeX documents using the AMS-LaTeX packages (amsmath, amsthm, amssymb) and wants to convert these documents...

ws_docutils is an extesnion that provides span role and div directive for Docutils and the raw_role extension for rst2pdf.The span role allows to define an interpreted text role for a non-existing format which effectively provides inline...

markdown2Mathjax is a simple package that allows you to use latex style math generated by MathJax in conjunction with the popular markdown format. There are two implementations of markdown in python, this package is designed to be used with the more...

Nemo is a light weight templating language built upon Mako Templates, and inspired by Haml, which is a fine language, its success within Ruby came from seamlessly interfacing with the culture and practices of the language.What we need isn't a copy of Haml...