Sense OPML offers a low overhead solution for small scale enterprises to centralize, manage and quickly update useful links including RSS (news) feeds, WebPages, blogs as so on within a well categorized listing. Features include authoring in plain-text,...

XPathVisualizer is a simple, free Winforms tool to help you visualize the results of XPath queries on XML documents. You can load the XML document from a filesystem file, from an HTTP URL, type it in, or paste. It automatically detect and display the XML...

This simple-to-use and free XML Editor brings a new editing experience: XML indentation is fully automated and entirely separate from XML content -no formatting tabs or spaces. Double-clicking on the XPath-Location bar will launch the integrated XPath...


XmlPreprocess 2.0.16

XmlPreprocess is a command-line utility that can modify annotated XML files much like a code preprocessor. It is useful for deploying configuration files to different environments making substitutions such as connection strings. It is easily integrated...

LinkAssistant is a powerful link building app that helps you quickly propel your website in Google by getting thousands of quality backlinks pointing to your site. LinkAssistant considers only reputable sites to exchange links with. It will look for link...

SEO SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass 5.5.4

SEO SpyGlass is a highly efficient SEO app that discovers the juiciest backlink sources on the Web by "spying" on competing sites and disclosing their backlink structure. It also brings forth an effective link building strategy for your site to ensure its...

Rinzo XML Editor is an Eclipse XML editor with the goal of make life simpler when templates proposals on either case, DTD and Schema generation from an example XML, syntax coloring, background validation using the document DTD or Schema and well...